I've switched plans! Again! But I'm very happy with my choice at the moment (although it's going to take a bit of organising!!!)
I'm doing Joe Wicks (aka the body coach) 90 day SSS plan.
I decided to make today my first day, even though it's tricky because I was away all weekend so couldn't prep, so I'm having lots of duplicate meals at the moment!
The idea is you have three meals and two snacks a day, do HIIT training and can only have carbs after a workout. There's a long list of optional supplements - I'm having them, in for a penny and all that! Two main issues for me were drinking enough water (I made it to two litres but am supposed to drink 3), and timing...I couldn't get lunch til 4pm so felt like I've been eating nonstop ever since. I also mistimed my post workout supplements (you're supposed to have them within 15 mins but mine were 40 mins after. Don't suppose it'll kill me, but still things to improve on!
Fortunately I was too busy to miss coffee (as now only allowed one cup per day!).
A few other mistakes - I didn't buy low fat cottage cheese, I didn't buy enough mozzerella (so topped it up with cheddar - but a smaller amount as its higher in fat), and I bought sliced ham instead of sliced turkey by mistake. Hopefully none of these things will affect my weight loss!!