Dietninja's 90 day SSS plan

Someone on Insta blends the oatmeal to make a smoothie. Might help if it is the texture you don't like xx
Dietninja's Focus on Health (although a skinny butt would be great too!)

Day 5 - fri 6th March

Ex: HIIT (run sprints x 5 hill sprints x 10)40s exercise followed by 1 min rest x 15

A difficult day at work...was supervising exams this morning so didn't get breakfast til 11 and I was hungry!!!

11am low carb oatmeal with a sprinkle of stevia

1pm Cajun mince with avocado (no sour cream but I added some extra to my pate later)

6pm post workout protein shake

8pm dinner out...a few olives, king prawns in tomato sauce, steak & rocket salad with 2 pieces garlic bread (as it was post exercise!)
1 vodka & soda
1 decaf coffee

10.30pm mackerel pate on rice cakes
Day 6 Sat 7th

I have successfully negotiated a Friday and a Saturday without a binge!!! Yay!!! It's been a while!

I am feeling v bloated after today's food...dinner was almost too much for me, I had to eat it in 2 sittings! But the rules are, you have to eat what's laid out for you in the plan.

Interestingly, even though I'm never hungry on this plan, I still leave my food late or a snack til after tea incase I get hungry. It's almost like I'm scared of being hungry! I wonder why?

Ex: warm up, 5 rounds of HIIT - 30s high knees, 30s rest, 30s burpees, 30s rest, 30s squat jumps, 30s rest, 30s mountain climbers, 30s rest, repeat 5 times. My heart rate didn't go as high on these as it does on the bike or running sprints.

Water: 3 litres (finally, yay!)

B - post workout protein shake
protein pancake (not so keen and was hungry shortly after)

S - mackerel paste on 2 rice cakes

L - muscle mince with broccoli and an egg on top

T - cashew curry with broccoli

A beautiful menu yesterday :D muscle mince never heard of this where's it from? You've reminded me to add water today no excuses x
It's a recipe from this new plan I'm on. It's basically just mince fried in coconut oil with paprika, onions, mushrooms & low carb bbq sauce. Served on green veg, topped with an egg :) it's yummy & quick!
Dietninja's Focus on Health (although a skinny butt would be great too!)

Day 7 / Sun 8th March

Ex - rest day
Water - 3 litres

B - feta egg hash

S - tuna pate on rice cakes

L - low carb oatmeal (v late lunch...just wasn't hungry)

T - teriyaki salmon & courgetti...yum!

S - 22g cashew nuts

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OOOO I cannot wait to make the salmon, it's on my list this week. Have you made the pancakes yet? I've not made them, as I'm addicted to the overnight oats...
Yes but mine was rubbish! Next time I'll pop some yoghurt on top and save my fruit allowance, or treat myself to some waldens sweet sauce. Still far more interested in the bagel on carb days!

The great thing about the salmon is that it was quite light...some of his dishes are so heavy I struggle to finish them! So I think it'll now be a regular feature!
Dietninja's Focus on Health (although a skinny butt would be great too!)

Day 8 - 9th March

Lovin' Lovin' loving this plan! It's so amazing! I feel like my diet has been put to rights... I'm not having sugar cravings or the urge to binge at all :)

Ex: spin bike HIIT - 16 x 30s hard, 45s restImageUploadedByMiniMins.com1425924653.374154.jpg

Water: 3 litres

Post workout (7am) protein shake

B - build up bagel, without egg (as I was eating on the go

L - scrambled egg & feta hash, mange tout

S - egg (from bagel)

T - cashew curry & spinach

S - 2 rice cakes & tuna pate
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I shouldn't have weighed but I did and first weeks weight loss is 5lbs...which is fab :) but I don't feel it (!). I'm not going to re measure til next week though
Wow you've really taken to this like a duck to water! Just shows finding the right plan is so important
Well done ;-)
I shouldn't have weighed but I did and first weeks weight loss is 5lbs...which is fab :) but I don't feel it (!). I'm not going to re measure til next week though

Try not to worry, I keep worrying about it not working, but there's no way it can't not work, healthy eating and exercise... got to be good for our bodies. The weight loss would be a bonus, but looking good is better. I don't feel any different but as you could see in the those photos I do look a bit different.

Keep going :)
Try not to worry, I keep worrying about it not working, but there's no way it can't not work, healthy eating and exercise... got to be good for our bodies. The weight loss would be a bonus, but looking good is better. I don't feel any different but as you could see in the those photos I do look a bit different.

Keep going :)

I do worry, and I worry about whether my HIIT is high enough intensity but I end up out of breath and sweaty so I should just stop worrying!!!
Day 9 - Tues 10th March

Did my exercise PM - I know it's not as effective for fat burning but I much prefer it! I forgot my inhaler though so struggled with my breathing after.

Ex: 15 x 45s run uphill, 1 min walk down, followed by a one mile run as was late to pick up kids

Water: 3 litres

B - low carb oatmeal

L - muscle mince & spinach...forgot to top it with an egg so need to have that later

S - post workout protein shake

T - steak & rice & courgetti

S - gonna swap my egg for some Greek yoghurt and have it with berries as my snack :)

Sounds like you are getting on really well with the plan :)
I can't believe how quickly it goes. I'm on day 17 already?!?!?! It does make me worry that I won't see the results I want though with in the 4 weeks. I've been on ********* today to get some more ideas for HIIT workouts to do.
Might attempt one tonight at home.