What's the meaning of this??? Drinks??? On a school night????!!!!! ... Just coz you've got all day to recover before going on nights tomorrow - I've got my eye on you Missis!!!!xxx
Lol - have a lovely evening xx
Port Talbot...I know it Mary..we have a shop there...well, not we, my boss!! hahaha!!! So, you are not far from Swansea then.
Eh, your food is brill - can you pass your strictness to me now pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I have lost mine the past few days..well, since Wed I have been a bit slack!
Not long now to holibags/bobs evenAnd, yes, can imagine holiday mode will kick in shortly!....but, you have worked hard to get to where you are at the mo...so, enjoy your "holiday mode" when it comes!!