Hi folks,
It's going to have to be a quickie tonight (no change there then Steve :sigh

as I still have to give Suki a bath
Well you ladies would have been proud of me...I basically did sod all from 7am till about midday...apart from watch rugby and play on minis lol! Perfect lazy morning!!! And when I went up for my shower, Gwyn did the hoovering so I didn't even get my fetish fix today! :faint2: Never mind, there's always tomorrow...
So as you've probably seen from the earlier pic, we went to a 60th wedding anniversary party this afternoon, which was absolutely lovely. They're a super couple from church, and the party was in one of the church halls. There were quite a lot of relatives and friends there...and loads of yummy food

And we won a nice prize in the free raffle too!
Now I've got one eye on X-factor as I type, and then I'm off to bath Suki.
Then I'm going to have to have a look through one of Gwyns bibles as somehow or other I managed to agree to do a reading tomorrow at church

I HATE reading in front of people!!! :fear: How on
earth did I get roped in for that???
Todays Food EE
2 x wm toast (B)
butter (2)
marmalade (2)
big bowl of raspberries, banana, mango & pineapple
1/4 sandwich

champagne (6)
lentil &
spinach dahl
cous cous
potato salad (2)
G&T (3)
milky coffee (A)
Total syns:- 19