Evening ladies xxx
So sorry I'm so late getting on...its been quite a busy day.
When I got to the ward, mum was sitting out in a chair, tucking into her tea. All her lines/canulas/catheters are out apart from the ones in her wrist, and she said she wasn't in much pain at all. In fact, every time the nurse came round with paracetamol and told her to take it, she hid one in her dressing gown cos she didn't want it! She's still using a nebulizer a few times a day but that's routine after the op she's had.
And then the surgeon and his team came round to say she could go home tomorrow and he wants to see her in clinic in 2 wks time as he will have the results by then.
So, really good news she can come tomorrow, even tho I've got to strip Andrews room, clean it and sort out all the new bedding lol! I've asked my brother to pick her up as I just have too much to do, but I'm so thrilled we're gettin her home and that she's going to stay with us for a few days. The kids are going to love it! And mum will be well spoilt while she's here!
I know I keep going on about how great you all are...but you ARE! So I feel totally justified lol! You lift my spirits when I'm at my absolute lowest and I don't think I could ever say thankyou enough. To know that you've been popping in checking up on mum (and me!) is just lovely x
I owe many of you a pm in response to your really thoughtful comments and I shall certainly do that over the weekend, when I'm not on nursing duty lol!
Take care everyone x I won't bore u with my food tonite as I haven't had much anyway! But I have just had a g&t, and I noticed that Gwyn has bought some fresh cream cakes and I may just have one with him when he comes back from the Saints (who lost btw

Lots of love xxx