Good evening all x
So how's everyone today? What have you been up to?
I know Sarah's been sulking & Steve's been twitching
I've had a lovely day cooking the roast dinner, which was rather gorgeous even if I do say so myself lol! There was mum, Gwyn, Andrew, Daniel, Vicki, Matt & me so it was great to have a big family meal

But we did eat rather a lot, & then we all fell asleep lol!
Really wish I wasn't going to work tomorrow :cry: The only thing that's going to console me is
Having coffee with SAARAAHHH!!!! (Is that ok with you Sarah? I mean, only if you're free and you can squeeze me into your very busy schedule of very important meetings

Mums doing really well today

She had a shower this morning which always makes you feel better I think. She's barely taking any painkillers as it's only one wound that's giving her any trouble. So that's all good so far
Todays Food EE
2x wm toast (B)
butter (2)
roast pork
roast spuds
green beans
apple sauce (2)
fruit pie (5)
custard (3)
salmon salad
Milky coffee (A)
Total syns:- 12