Ok, sorry guys for being rubbish on here again! :ashamed0005:
I really need to organise myself better so I can come here cos atm I just run out of time every evening. But I have been busy doing stuff that I wouldn't do normally.
Yesterday was spent round mums sorting her bungalow out. Vicki wasn't working so she came with me to help. When we got there, Mum was feeling very unwell and curled up on the settee

So Vicki stayed with her while I went to get mums shopping, and thankfully by the time I got back mum was coming round a bit. And Vicki had been doing all her ironing, bless her. Then I took mum to her doctors appointment where they redressed one of her wounds which isn't healing very well. When we got back, I made her rest on the settee again while Vicki and I cleaned the bungalow and stripped and made her bed, so hopefully she'll feel happier that the place is nice and tidy.
I went to wi last night and as I said to Steve I gained half a pound, which I'm pleased with after all the naughtiness from Saturday nights curry
Today was spent doing MY house which has been really neglected while I was at work

But now I have nice clean floors and bathrooms, and loads of washing done, clean sheets, and Daniel has a nice home made loaf of low protein bread.
I even have a clean Suki (don't say it Stevie!

) as she managed to get hold of one of Gwyns red cough sweets and ended up all sticky and pink when it got stuck to her fur!!!

So I'm afraid it was in the sink for a good scrub lol! But she looks and feels lovely now :chores016:
Now those of you who know me and my diary will be quite used to the fact that I often seem to have rather a lot of difficult/upsetting situations going on :sigh:
So it will come as no surprise when I tell you that my boss text to say EMAS had lost the contracts with all the hospitals and units

So we are being taken over on April 1st by a company called N.S.L. who are apparently a big transport company. Most of us should keep jobs in some form or other, but of course our NHS pensions will be affected, as will wages, working hours, location...everything really. I still can't quite believe it tbh...I've been with the ambulance service for nearly 20 years! It's very sad that it's come to this...but no real surprise.
Anyway, I'm off to bed and will catch up on some diaries with my phone
See you later folks! xxx