Hi guys x
Hmmm...well its 4.30am and after falling asleep about 3.30 I'm awake again!
And poor Gwyns awake too so we're having a cup of tea in bed! I've just looked thru the new Avon book...few nice things in there I shall get...and then I thought I shud post an update x
Mums visit to the doctors resulted in the discovery of yet another undesolved stitch in one of her wounds! So we're hoping that finally it might be able to start healing now.
And while I was at mums I picked up a mountain of leaves that were all over the front garden...I don't no where they all come from!
I would suggest trees - big brown things that shed little green or golden brown things.
Gwyns hospital appointment went very well. The surgeon was a lovely man who was optimistic of a good result. He will operate using a local anaesthetic, within the next 6 weeks, and sent the tumour for analysis. That shud tell them the type of cancer, and whether they got it all or if gwyn needs further treatment. He will be very battered and bruised afterwards, like he's been in a car accident, and they may need to pull skin from his cheek to close the hole left by the op, but he shud recover well and just be left with a scar.
He's being so brave about it all...I know he's making light of it for my sake.
Other news is that I was called to see if I could attend an emergency meeting about the work take over tonight.
As we finished at the hospital in good time, I decided to go, and in some ways I wish I hadn't!
The implications of losing all 5 contracts is catastrophic to all of us concerned.
In the first instance, we should all be offered employment with the new company but...
Present Terms and conditions won't be protected
Nhs pension will be frozen
It's not known if they recognise Unison as a union, so we won't have union protection at the time we need it most
Either we sign the contract they offer us...despite worsening terms and conditions...or we leave
It's not known where the vehicles will be kept...they may not even be in northampton so there will be travel and time implications
The planning function of the service ie. my office, hasn't even been discussed yet, but my office will close. It could be absorbed into a pre existing control room anywhere in the country
There may be the possibility of some of us getting jobs working for A&E on the road...but only as bank staff
That's about as much as I can remember...
Doesn't make good reading...
There's an awful sense of shock and disbelief atm, but its starting to turn to anger.
And there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.
So...time to start job hunting, preferably within the nhs so I can continue my pension. Failing that, maybe something in a school, doctors surgery...
What a pigging time of it we're having

I'm seriously considering getting signed off for a while. There's only so many nights/weeks/months you can go without sleep. And still not enough hours in the day for me to be everywhere I'm needed
Anyway, after a pretty off plan weekend (again!) I'm back on Sarahs wagon

I did a red day today and really enjoyed it. The scales are showing a small gain which I hope to lose before Thursday as I'd like to be at the low end of target.
So my walk with Sarah, in 5 hrs time eek, should help with that! Due to circumstances beyond our control ie
A, the disappearance of Sarahs temporary tooth filling
B,Sarahs ability to play piano being required this afternoon
we are having to forgo the meal and cut the walk down a little, but never mind. It will do us both good to be out in the fresh air...not so much the pouring rain though which is forecast...! But, and I know Steve will be proud of me, I have a pair of rather fetching waterproof trousers to wear lol! And I shall borrow gwyns old tuck sack! So I'll really look the part!
Pics to follow...or not!
Thankyou once again for your wonderful support as always. Sorry for being a moaning mini again...I've got it off my chest (no I'm not talking chicken fillets Steve!) and I'm much better for it x
Catch u later guys xxx