Evening all x
Well I'm really glad to say my day from hell has ended on a HUGE high...

I only got a phone call from the gorgeous Mumsie tonight!!! :bliss::bliss::bliss:
Mumsie, I can't tell you how wonderful it was to talk to you at last!

You totally brightened up my day. Gwyn said thank you for the kiss and cuddle btw, and for asking after him x And my goodness...you DO sound posh lol!!!
Other news today...well there isn't much really!
By the time I dropped Shirley off home and got the shopping done it was getting quite late. So it was a bit of a rush to get the shopping away and make dinner as Vicki and Matt were going out on Matts Xmas works do.
Then I cooked Herman, and made some low protein pies for Daniel which actually left the kitchen in quite a state so then I had to clean it
Then Mum phoned...
Then Mumsie phoned...:clap:
Then Vicki and Matt came back because Vicki had drunk half a dozen glasses of wine in the space of 2 hours and had promptly been sick all over Matthew! :9529: He was not looking to pleased...So she's spent the last couple of hours chucking up in the loo, and now they've gone to bed with the bowl from the utility room and a kitchen roll! :sign0137:
Gwyn continues to do really well. We took the dressings off tonight as they were starting to fall off anyway, and I bathed the wounds with salt water and applied some antibiotic cream. There are 10 stitches in each wound, and they're so neat it's amazing. I think Gwyns's pleased with what they've done. Fingers crossed that this is the end of it now :fingerscrossed: I'll put a photo on in a minute.
Right, that's me done for now. I've got so much to do tomorrow as I got really behind today...but I've got all day to do it.
Apart from I said I'd take Shirley to the train station in the morning...
Lots of love x