Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Maximus said:
Dawnie! you're getting your buns and baps mixed up. Even I know that!

Just to help you out, buns are cheeky and baps are peaky:p

Regards to your lovely family too, and tell sicky Vicki I'll never, ever, ever mock her wine intolerance;)

Hope you have a great Christmas Day and don't get too fat! - I think of late our challenge seems to be who can put the most weight ON:eek:

Thank you Steve for that very helpful and informative biology lesson!

I can't believe I could make such a basic mistake! Especially with Gwyn having been my biology teacher all those years ago!

The children all wish you a very Happy Christmas...and Vicki wants me to stress that she is completely sober atm...well almost...;)

And btw, I think I'm winning the "who can gain the most weight" challenge...can you beat 5lbs in 3 days...
so far??!
Good afternoon ladies and Sarah but probably not Steve if you're still at the match!

Ok...so now I seem to have gained the impressive total (so far) of 8lbs!

Is that even humanly possible in just a few days???

I even have a rapidly expanding pot belly full of cheese and biscuits, nuts, chocolate, wine, sloe gin and Baileys...to name just a few!

And with 3 days still to go before wi, if I carry on at this rate I will easily hav gained a stone by then!

Oh well...at least I can join in all the post xmas challenges lol!

I'm going to drag poor Suki out for a walk in a minute which she's going to hate because its dark and cold...but I really need to stretch my legs and I'm not going on my own!

Trouble is...the fresh air and exercise will probably give me an appetite...! X
Now, just precisely which part of my Boxing Day activities do you have such an issue with, O Disparaging Dawn????


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Where do I start...???

With the morris men...?

Or the morris men...?

Or how about THE MORRIS MEN!!!
And then there's the poor customers in the pub who can't escape until they've finished their drinks...;)
And then there's the poor customers in the pub who can't escape until they've finished their drinks...;)

They were loving it.
What's not to like?

Where do I start...???

With the morris men...?

Or the morris men...?

Or how about THE MORRIS MEN!!!

I like Morris Men.............no lets clarify that a bit...........I like men , do I care if he is called Morris.......no !!!

I am sure the weight thing is all just in your tummy and not converted to fat and will disappear naturally, well most of it will and if not, so what, you can get rid of it again.

lots of love to you all from your mumsie xxx and daddy Paul xxxxx
Yeah, they weren't doing that indoors.
Once we were indoors it was just playing music and singing.

So - not a problem!
... and not content merely to abuse me on here, my Delightful Sis does so by text as well.

Apparently, there are an awful lot of things that have a cumulative effect, which cause her to have "issues".

I quote. With permission. Oh, and with responses:

- I can cope with the fact that you want to be a vicar...

that's big of you, Dawnie.
Though I'm not sure the C of E can cope with it...

- I can live with the fact that you take Latin classes...

What's wrong with that? Though admittedly the "Old People" doing it are a little alarming.

- I accept your fetish for dressing up in public as Santa...

Fetish?? I'm just being seasonal and festive. What's the problem with that?

- And I can understand you marrying and divorcing a man, then marrying and divorcing a woman...

Yeah, well that may be a little too much information for some. Sorry if it is.
And ok, I grant that could be a problem.
But hey - everybody makes mistakes.
Significantly differently.
And pretty drastically I suppose.
But surely it makes your life easier in your appointed task of finding me a "Someone".
As you said - you've got a lot more of the world to choose from.
So really, it's very considerate of me. Actually.

- Because you're my friend, and I love you...

Good! So you should. I'm lovely.
Not NICE. But lovely.

- But my god... you're really pushing it with the morris men! ;-)

And with all of the above to deal with, THAT's the unmanageable part???
And at least I don't actually dance.
Or have to wear bells.
Or weird costumes with baldricks & cummerbunds & stuff.
I just help out by playing the concertina.
Oh, and helping with the beer consumption.

Eccentric. That's all I am.
Nowt wrong with that.

Oh, and excuse me.
But who is it that puts a Christmas costume on her poor dog???
I like Morris Men.............no lets clarify that a bit...........I like men , do I care if he is called Morris.......no !!!

I am sure the weight thing is all just in your tummy and not converted to fat and will disappear naturally, well most of it will and if not, so what, you can get rid of it again.

lots of love to you all from your mumsie xxx and daddy Paul xxxxx

Hellooo Mumsie!

Did you have a lovely Christmas? I saw the wicked old witch behaved herself for a change! Let's hope it lasts for a while! :cross:

And does Daddy Paul know about Morris??? :eek:

Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

... and not content merely to abuse me on here, my Delightful Sis does so by text as well.

Apparently, there are an awful lot of things that have a cumulative effect, which cause her to have "issues".

I quote. With permission. Oh, and with responses:

- I can cope with the fact that you want to be a vicar...

that's big of you, Dawnie.
Though I'm not sure the C of E can cope with it...

- I can live with the fact that you take Latin classes...

What's wrong with that? Though admittedly the "Old People" doing it are a little alarming.

- I accept your fetish for dressing up in public as Santa...

Fetish?? I'm just being seasonal and festive. What's the problem with that?

- And I can understand you marrying and divorcing a man, then marrying and divorcing a woman...

Yeah, well that may be a little too much information for some. Sorry if it is.
And ok, I grant that could be a problem.
But hey - everybody makes mistakes.
Significantly differently.
And pretty drastically I suppose.
But surely it makes your life easier in your appointed task of finding me a "Someone".
As you said - you've got a lot more of the world to choose from.
So really, it's very considerate of me. Actually.

- Because you're my friend, and I love you...

Good! So you should. I'm lovely.
Not NICE. But lovely.

- But my god... you're really pushing it with the morris men! ;-)

And with all of the above to deal with, THAT's the unmanageable part???
And at least I don't actually dance.
Or have to wear bells.
Or weird costumes with baldricks & cummerbunds & stuff.
I just help out by playing the concertina.
Oh, and helping with the beer consumption.

Eccentric. That's all I am.
Nowt wrong with that.

Oh, and excuse me.
But who is it that puts a Christmas costume on her poor dog???


God I HATE it when I lose an argument...
Sharing chicken fillets...???
Emmaline said:
May I say that I like men...I like any men whether they are Morris men or men called Morris...or any man will do!?! ...:D

Lol! Lol! Lol!

Go Emmaline!

Girl after my own heart! Xx
I've kind of lost the plot with Morris men so think I'll stay away from that!!

Anyway well done you on enjoying yourself food and drink wise. Sure it won't be that bad at WI time. Wouldn't be surprised if i was somewhere near that level but I only have wii scales at the moment which are dodgy at the best of times so at the moment ignorance is bliss :)

Any plans for tomorrow? Hitting the sales at all to get skinny clothes? I want to get a new coat but prob go on thurs when bf goes back to work.

Hope Gwyn is recovering well. How's you mum doing? X

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