Hahahahaha! Oh I'm so glad its not just me that goes out looking like something from a young offenders unit lol!!!
I'm gona have to find a better route...everytime I saw someone I wanted to stop cos I felt such a fake! Me...pretending to be a runner...its hilarious really
But...it really was a buzz! I mean it was only walk 5 minutes/run a minute/walk a couple of minutes/ run etc, but I felt like I was doing some real exercise!
My only disappointment was that I simply couldn't do the whole program :sigh: This might have been aggravated by a few things...
My cunning disguise was SOOO damn hot I was dripping within a minute :sign0007:
I ran up a hill...not the best thing to do right at the start :d'oh:
I am not a runner...any thing faster than a gentle ramble resembles an epileptic spider

I do not possess a sports bra to incarcerate my DD's...need I say more? :censored:
I have a fitness level of precisely ZERO :ashamed0005:
Oh yes...and I'm FAT!!! :17729:
So today has been v busy...moving DS2 and GF into their new flat. It all went well & I think they will be fine. Theyre only 5 mins away by car so its not too bad, but I miss him already even tho he spent most of his time at GFs mums. Then I gave his old room a clean,stripped and made the bed, sorted out the airing cupboard, hoovered and washed the carpets & cleaned the kids bathroom.
Now I'm in bed wiv the lap top, DH is fast asleep bless him. He;s been working on the garden most of the day.
Busy day tomorrow again so might not get on here

We're going on one of the 45 coaches organised to take us to MK to watch our beloved Saints rugby team in the Heineken Cup quarter finals! COME ON YOU SAINT!!!

Then we have to shoot off to a choir concert that DH is singing in...dont think we will make it for the start but it cant be helped.
Todays food
2 x wm bread (B)
175mls s milk (1/2 A)
1/2 f butter (1 1/2)
marmalade (1)
noodles + soy sauce
21g 1/2 fat cheddar (1/2 A)
sw chips
salad salad cream (1)
cod in breadcrumbs (6)
wine (6)
total 15
See you all soon...be good!!! :wavey: