Evening guys x
And thank you for all your words of wisdom about my losing more weight too x :thankyou:
Sarah gave me a very good [STRIKE]lecture[/STRIKE] talking to at lunch time, and we both [STRIKE]argued[/STRIKE] discussed our opinions :giggle:
So, my feeling on the matter is that I could certainly withstand losing half a stone, and I would just like to see if I can get to 9st 7lbs, but I'm not officially altering my target, yet. If I lose over the next few weeks then I may well lower it, but if it's a real struggle then I shan't worry about it.
My day started really badly this morning when Gwyn woke me up saying "Aren't you supposed to be going to work today...?" and I realised it was 07.45am...the time I'm usually reversing the car out of the garage to go to work!

So it was a mad rush to get showered and out of the house by 8am but I did it...minus any breakfast or packed lunch :cry:
Thankfully gorgeous hubby brought me some food in so I wasn't tempted to raid the canteen for chips!
It was a fairly quiet day until 4pm, when it all kicked off as usual! Loads of discharges came in all at once but we managed to clear them all and I was only 15mins late out of work
My plans for tomorrow are to buy a swimming costume!

I did find one in a drawer tonight, but when I tried it on it as somewhat over generous in the bosom area

I mean the rest of it was fine, but I have my concerns about whether the top half will contain my assets, even in their deflated state! So, new cossy tomorrow hopefully, and maybe some joggers for the gym, cos I'm NOT wearing shorts!
Todays Food
Red day
alpen bar (3)
ham/egg salad
salad cream (2)
velvet crunch (4)
2 x apples
spag bol (no spag!)
bns chips
cheese (A)
G&T (3)
Milky coffee (A)
fibre plus bar (B)
Total syns - 12