Gold Member
Morning Dawn :wavey:
Made it back eventually -*bad bad me* -not keeping up with every ones diaries:copon:
ooh I hope you aches n pains (and sore bits) are on the mend soon :vibes:.
Im with shirley -I don't *DO* big roads when I drive
-I can just about handle dual carriageways -NEVER been on a motorway :shifter: although I tried a go on the autobahn once -now baring in mind it was 3am and so fairly empty apart from a few trucks -I passed 1 lorry :character00182: and had to pull into the next service for hubby to drive as I was a wreck
I really should have gone straight onto motorway driving lessons when I passed my test way back when!! -I do hate driving though -good job I have hubby
Are the cats pooping on your garden? If so then get a seed tray and fill with fresh soil and stick out of the way under a hedge or something... you should find that they might start using that as they love freshly dug earth. Then you just have to change it every so often -I know you shouldn't have to do it -but its better than it all over the garden. It worked for us, along with pop bottles of water stuck in the borders -they don't like the distorted reflections they throw
. I will ask my mum for the name of the spray she is using... she just sprays it at the points the cats usually come in at and they won't cross it -although apparently it does stink to high heaven when you first spray -as mum found out when a gust of wind hit it when she was spraying and it covered her 
Right I will get off again....
Have a good day my lovely and keep up the great work!!!
Made it back eventually -*bad bad me* -not keeping up with every ones diaries:copon:
ooh I hope you aches n pains (and sore bits) are on the mend soon :vibes:.
Im with shirley -I don't *DO* big roads when I drive
I really should have gone straight onto motorway driving lessons when I passed my test way back when!! -I do hate driving though -good job I have hubby
Are the cats pooping on your garden? If so then get a seed tray and fill with fresh soil and stick out of the way under a hedge or something... you should find that they might start using that as they love freshly dug earth. Then you just have to change it every so often -I know you shouldn't have to do it -but its better than it all over the garden. It worked for us, along with pop bottles of water stuck in the borders -they don't like the distorted reflections they throw

Right I will get off again....
Have a good day my lovely and keep up the great work!!!