Good evening x
So yet again I'm sitting here with a sore back!
And yet again it's self inflicted lol!
Had a really good 6 hours at work where I received a wonderful nsv
I was sitting at my desk with my back to the door when one of our drivers came in. He works the opposite shift to me so we only normally meet when one or the other of us is on overtime. Anyway I heard him asking Mike "who's that?"...and he meant me!!! When I turned round his face was a picture! He genuinely didn't recognise me and actually asked if I was alright lol! So that kinda put me in a good mood for the rest of the day!
After work I popped up to the bank and then headed up to see Gareth. Unfortunately they were really over running so I had to wait ages but I didn't really mind. Eventually he called me through and we discussed exactly what I wanted and colours etc. then I was dispatched downstairs to strip to my bra and tuck a towel in it!! Which was all a bit of a waste of time as when I got on the chair, he had to undo the bra anyway! I did find the outline quite painful this time as much of it was on my spine going up towards my neck, but once that was done I relaxed more and the filling in was absolutely fine. It took about 1 1/2 hrs to do, and I have to admit I adore it!

I would post a photo but I've got a huge dressing on as Gareth also added more detail to some of the other flowers, and it's a bit bloody, so I don't want to take it off till tomorrow if possible. But I will hopefully get some pics tomorrow.
As a consequence, I didn't get finished in time to go to wi so I text my c and said I'd go to the morning class.
And then I have to go shopping for ingredients cos I'm spending the day making soup for Souper Sarahs soup day on Saturday! Now I must go and dust Delia off the bookshelf and see what recipes she has to offer!
Love to all!!!