skinnydawn said:Hi ladies x
Thanks again for being so tolerant of my body art lol! I think I may well be addicted now! Although I think the flowers are about finished...might add some green but I'm going to leave it to settle down first. So I'd still like a humming bird near the flowers, and maybe a butterfly in my Dads' favourite colours x.
We had a really nice night at the pub againarty0023: It wasn't too busy so we easily got a table, and Barry played a good variety of music, along with any requests. So we all asked for a record of course
arty0048: And the best was saved till last...Chasing Cars by Snow choice of course!
arty0049: And I only succumbed to one small glass of red wine so I was very proud of myself!
This morning I went to church as the minister was the one who married Gwyn and I and I wanted to see him. Lionel is in his eighties and rarely comes to Northampton as he lives over an hour away, so I like to see him when I can.
This afternoon we're watching Saints v Sarries on TV. It's half time atm hence the quick update lol!
And food has been good too...although the scales are saying I've gained yet another poundPossibly over indulged on the delicious bread yesterday!
I've just ordered a dress and top online...only £5 each and so far all their stuff has been ok so hoping these will be too...
skinnydawn said:Evening ladies, and Sarah, and Steve!!!
Blimey hunni! Been a while since I put that! :flirt2: Nice to see you here anyway x
Well I eventually got off to sleep last night, despite Sukis attempts to sleep in every single square inch of the bed at some point or other during the night!
I decided to do some cooking this morning while Gwyn was out, so I made a massive saucepan of leek/onion/carrot and swede soup, and cheered it up a bit by throwing in a generous measure of curry powder and jerk seasoning :drool:
And then I made another chickpea cake...which I managed to practically eat all of. Again. But it IS very small. Or at least it WAS... I flavoured it with almond essence this time and it was really lovely!
This afternoon I've been really busy doing stuff on the computer, and I've also managed to get the hang of putting music on my phone, at last!arty0048:
Had a phone call today from one of the couples at church asking us to go for dinner at theirs on Saturday night so I'm really looking forward to that! Ruth is a brilliant cook, and I'm fully expecting to have a delicious meal. :gimi:
Then we have the Saints playing on Sunday :bliss:
And then we're off to Bournemouth on Monday for 5 days! :clap: I think it will be lovely to have a few days away, although I doubt I'll spend much of it on plan
Todays Food Green
25g ready brek (part B1)
milk (1/2 A1)
4 x ryvitas (B2 + rest of B1)
philly light (A2)
bns soup
cheese (1/2 A1)
chickpea cake (should be 1/2 syn but as I ate the whole blooming thing I'm synning it as 6 cos of food abuse :sign0007
options hot choc (2)
sw roulade
Total syns - 7
Nah, she's a lady of leisure again.
Of course.
The woman is never here to make me a cuppa.
I'm just a poor deprived NHS worker...
skinnydawn said:Let's get one thing straight!
Bikini days are LONG gone lol!!!
I did do well didn't I sis?
I did 3k walk/run on the treadmill, and 3k on the bike!
And I only fell off the treadmill once!!!
And I broke my watch.
And I set the alarm off on Vickis new car before 7am this morning, couldn't turn the bleddy thing off and woke the entire street up!
And yes! I did indeed bring 2 left footed boots to work lol! So I'm bare foot today!
<img src=""/>
But I LOVED the gym!!! Even more than the swimming!!!
And at last I know where your tattoo is sis!!!
Back to work then ...