Hi guys! :wavey:
We're back!
And we had the loveliest time :bliss:
The hotel was on the cliff over looking the sea, and our room was very nice. We ended up with a family room so we had an extra bedroom which was handy for dumping the suitcases in!
After unpacking and having a look around the hotel, we went for a wander along the road which lead down to the beach, and then into town just to get our bearings and to see if we could find some places to eat. Well, there were hundreds! It seemed every other shop was a restaurant or takeaway! Perfect lol! So we ended up with fish and chips at Harry Ramsdens which was very nice! And then back to the hotel for a Baileys and entertainment which was a chap singing.
On Tuesday, after a mahoosive brekkie of cereal and juice, full English and then loads of toast, we went for a walk along the prom and ended up walking miles! The weather was really good, a bit misty but fine, and then we went to an organ recital at the Pavillion. It was only an hour long but was very enjoyable. When we got back to the hotel, Gwyn went for a swim and I used the gym for an hour in preparation for our Indian meal that night lol! And the meal was totally amazing and easily the best Indian both Gwyn and I have had.
Wednesday was Gwyn's birthday :birthday: and we started with a visit to the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum, then a stroll around town, and then to the pier for a birthday cream tea! Yummy! And our evening meal was tapas ... first time for both of us and we totally loved it! I think we shared six dishes and two desserts, and a bottle of bleddy good wine! Actually, I have to admit to getting rather tipsy in the restaurant, and sending a rather suggestive text to Vicki which was meant for Gwyn who was sitting next to me lol! :sign0007: Omg! Don't think I'm ever going to live that one down! Trouble is, it's the third time I've done it! You'd think I'd learn wouldn't you??? I sent one to my old neighbour Gary a few years ago, telling him exactly what was in store for him when he got home...except of course it was supposed to have gone to Gwyn! And the best of it was, Gary was at work in a prison and wound me up by saying he'd told all the prisoners what I'd said and that he was on a promise lol! Oh, and I sent another one to my boss a couple of years ago lol! Good job they've all got a sense of humour and understanding wives! (Actually Gary's divorced now but that was NOTHING to do with ME lol!!!)
Anyway, I still went on to have my Baileys at the hotel when we got back and as a consequence felt ill all night and most of the following day! :9529: I sent Gwyn down for breakfast without me as I really couldn't face looking at the bacon and sausages :sign0137:, and then I joined him a bit later for toast!
Next on the agenda was a brisk walk all round the town, where I bought yet more woolly tights, and then we walked along the beach from Bournemouth pier to Poole beach. It was quite a walk but thoroughly enjoyable, and a pretty good hangover cure. Then we ended up on the pier again for more tea and cake! And our evening food was Italian...again a really lovely meal.
So now we're home, and I've got weighed...and I appear to have gained 9lbs in 5 days lol! Well, we did have KFC tonight, followed by a four tier choc/nut/cream birthday cake that the children made today as a surprise! So tomorrow I have to get back on it and shift some of this excess before Thursdays wi lol! I know I can lose a chunk of it if I really set my mind to it...but I'm still in holiday mode so it's not looking too good!
Anyway, hope you guys have all been behaving yourselves while I've been very naughty!!!
Our hotel is on the left ...
The birthday boy on the pier...
Gwyn and the offending (now empty) bottle of wine...!
Our dessert after tapas...
Gwyn blowing his candles out today!
The little birthday cake the kids made earlier ...