I'm here, but I have been so BAD I really think I should go hide again!
It started last week really. Gwyn and I decided to go and see Les Mis at the cinema on Wednesday as it was our 9th wedding anniversary the following day but I was working. So we saw the fillum, which was totally AMAZING and I completely recommend it to everyone, but it was quite long so we picked up chips on the way home as the children were all home from work and hungry...and it kind of snowballed from there. On Thursday we obviously celebrated our anniversary with a few glasses of wine, and on Friday I came home from work to find an Indian feast waiting for me! Gwyn had decided to extend the celebrations by cooking all the party food we didn't cook at Christmas because I was ill!
Saturday saw us at a school reunion meal which was totally and utterly NOT SW friendly but oh so flipping tasty!
And by Sunday I'd just about forgotten I was supposed to be trying to lose weight

The scales show I've gained half a stone AGAIN.
So today I've managed to get back into it but I'm not finding it easy. I really don't know why. I just can't stay motivated for long. I need to get out, do some exercise, but I'm just too tired while I'm working. When I get in I just want to eat, get my uniform off, and curl up on the settee. The dark nights don't help...can't wait to actually see some daylight after work! My days off last week were a total waste of time as the snow made our estate almost impossible to get off.
Anyway, only Tuesday and Wednesday to survive and then I'm off for a few days so maybe I'll be able to get to the gym or something.
I'm very cross with myself as I'd set myself a bit of a target for the end of March as I'm hoping to go and stay with Gail again. I really wanted to be under 10st 7lbs by then...not much chance of that now!!!
Still, it's no good moping about it. Only I can turn it around so I'm going to give it a go

I know I can do it! Please please please can u all keep hassling me so I don't drop off the radar again?!
I'm going to try and post my food every day so that I feel I'm accountable. And I will try to begin some exercise on my days off! I am SO unhappy at this weight...it has to go.
Mumsie I'm glad you got the package eventually...better late than never lol! Funny how some things reach you in a few days and others take weeks!!!
Thank you so much for checking up on me Sue, and Bev, Lynne, Penny and Brittany x Sort me out for goodness sake!!! Xxx
Today's food red day
Oats (B1)
Milk (A1)
3 ryvitas (B1)
Philly light (A2)
Velvet crunch (4)
Tinned toms
Tom sauce (2)
Choc options (2)
Special K bar (4.5)
2 A's and 2 B's
10.5 syns