Well I'm still alive! Full of aches and pains but still breathing lol!
There wasn't many people at the gym so I snuck in without anybody really noticing me! I'd decided I wasn't going to use the treadmill as I've been a bit demoralised by it on my last visits. I'd just built up to 5k last June when I left my old gym due to the work move. But when I started at the new one last month, I could only manage 1/2k

Well today I managed 1.5k running and 1.5k walking so I was really pleased. I took Gail's advice and turned the speed down and I found it a bit easier. So I'll hopefully SLOWLY build back up to 5k and when I'm more comfortable, work on my speed. After the treadmill I did 1k cross trainer (I find that REALLY hard!), 1k rowing and 10k cycling. So all in all I was there about 1.5hrs and nearly fell down the stairs on the way out due to not being able to feel my legs!
I popped next door to Peacocks as I wanted to buy something for the young man I sponsor I'm Tanzania. Petro was only 6 when we started and he'll be 15 next month! Anyway I found a couple of nice T-shirts and a shirt for him. I also found a jumper, dress, skirt, 2 pairs of leggings, a shirt and some tights for me! I've refused to buy any new clothes up until today as I have loads that I can't get into, but I'm so fed up of squeezing myself into the same pair of jeans and jumpers that I gave in today. The clothes are so reasonably priced in there that I don't mind if I only wear them for a few months until I can fit into my others.
This afternoon I wrapped up Petros presents and wrote on his cards. Also got Mumsies magazine ready to be posted. So my first job tomorrow is to go to the post office.
Then I MIGHT go to the gym. If I'm not suffering TOO much!
Food has been good today. And I'm still stuffed from dinner time
Have a good Tuesday guys xxx
Red day
All bran (B1)
Milk (A1)
Home made veg soup
2 wm bread (B2)
Butter (4)
Cold boiled egg (forgot to put it in yesterday's curry!!!)
Liver and bacon
Mushrooms and onions
Bns chips
Tom sauce (3)
Defrosted fruit and yoghurt (1/2)
Milky coffee (A2)
2 A's & 2 B's
7 1/2 syns
1 1/2 hrs gym