So it’s been a sad day today
It started ok with a lovely morning spent at church. Gwyn and some of the other members recently started up a coffee morning there on a Tuesday. He’s there every Tuesday morning anyway (with 4 or 5 other chaps) as they spend the morning doing maintenance on the church.
At least that’s what they SAY they’re doing!
We wives think it’s just an excuse for them to chat with a coffee and some cake!

Bearing in mind there’s not one under 70, they actually do well to do what they do.
Anyway it was decided to set up a proper coffee morning, just for a couple of hours, as a way of trying to encourage people in the community to just come and meet others. Today was the first time I’ve managed to go and I really enjoyed it. I was the youngest by 20 years but I loved chatting to everyone, in particular a new chap called Jim and his wife Pam. They used to volunteer at the hospital I normally work out of so I recognised them. Jim also told me all about his days as a painter and decorator. I think they both had a nice morning as they said they’d come back next week
Then I went to pick up some baby clothes in preparation for our little bundle of joy

Oh and talking of the baby, Vicki has been given the go ahead to give birth in the Birthing Centre if there’s a room free. She’s over the moon as they have three rooms there (in the hospital) which are set out like flats with a kitchen and a birthing pool, which she’s desperate to try! So that was great to hear. Only 3 weeks to go!
And then of course I got the news about poor Steve. It’s such a shock. I’ll never forget the day he went for his diabetic check up and he’d lost so much weight, he’d pretty much cured himself. He was so pleased and proud, as we all were. He inspired us to start walking, and told us off when we weren’t 100% on plan

We had a few ‘SW meets’ which were great fun, and a small group of us formed a close bond. It’s so sad to think he’s gone
So food was quite good, although I lost my appetite a bit tonight. I didn’t have time for breakfast so it took all my willpower NOT to eat any cakes at church! However, as it was the leftover baby shower cakes from Sunday (which I had rather a lot of

) I didn’t feel like I missed out.
No breakfast
No lunch
Mint sauce 1
Green beans
Swede 1
Gravy 2
Just having a choc options so that makes my total syns today to 6. Hopefully that’ll go a little way to limiting the damage from the weekend

Also I walked and ran 2.6k in just under 30 mins on the treadmill tonight so that might’ve burnt one cupcake off!!!