Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Thank you @upndown x Actually you’re right 😊 I’m just a bit cross with myself as I really wanted that 1st shiny! But not at the expense of celebrating with my family 😊

I’m at work now ... 4 hours to go! Just had my lunch which was delicious! Only trouble is I’m so stuffed I don’t want to move!

Managed to get talked into doing two days overtime next week! The extra pennies will come in handy tho ☺️

EE day
Fruit / yoghurt/ muffin 2

Chicken and cucumber sandwich B + 1

Pork chop 1
Green beans
Gravy 2
Apple sauce 2
Special K bar 3

Milk for drinks A

Total syns (so far) 11


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Really need to pull my socks up and get posting on here. I’m so tired though. Finished nights this morning and doing two OT shifts tomorrow and Thursday, day off Friday then back in for 4 earlies on Saturday. But then I’ve got 12 days off as hoping Vicki’s baby will make an appearance then.

A sneaky peak on the scales has shown absolutely NO movement so if that doesn’t change by Thursday I’m STILL not going to get my 1st award 😞 I think lack of exercise isn’t helping but this pain in the side of my chest is stopping me from being too energetic. I have an appointment with the doctor in the morning before work just to confirm what I think it is...a pulled muscle.

Oh dear...just shows how tired I was last night as I fell asleep before pressing the ‘post reply’ button! 🙄

My food has been good ... will try a red day tomorrow to see if I can squeeze a loss for WI on Thursday! 💪

Oh dear...just shows how tired I was last night as I fell asleep before pressing the ‘post reply’ button! 🙄

Currently waiting to be seen at the docs ... hopefully just a muscle strain and some strong painkillers will do the trick 🤞
Ah you have been really busy with work so I was glad to read you're having time off very soon and hopefully you'll be wetting the baby's head too!

I think it's hard to stick to any diet - life always seems to get in the way - so try not to beat yourself up ;) plus you're in pain - hope doc confirms it's a pulled muscle and your Red day results in a loss in the morning - let us know if you get a chance. x
Thank you @upndown x

Doctor confirmed I have a torn muscle in my chest. She was going to sign me off but I asked her to give me some stronger painkillers instead just to get me through the next week until I’ve got my time off. Then I’ll try to rest it, and if it’s still painful I’ll see about having a week or two off to give it a chance to heal. Hopefully it won’t come to that 😊

Today’s food has been great 😇 I’m resigned to the fact I probably won’t get my 1 stone shiney but that’s ok...I’ll get it next week!

Red day

Baked oats B1

Ham sandwich B2 + 1
Crisps 5
Special K bar 3

Sausage/ egg salad 2
Salad cream 2

Sf sweets 3

Milk for A

Total syns 14
Sorry to hear you have pulled a muscle in your chest...I did the same thing many years ago... I can feel your pain.(((hugs)))

Good luck with WI
Pulled muscles are v painful - how are you managing at work? Really good of you to decline sick leave but in your line of work - know it must be difficult for colleagues when they're a person down.

Let us know how you get on with the scales! x
Sorry to hear you have pulled a muscle in your chest...I did the same thing many years ago... I can feel your pain.(((hugs)))

Good luck with WI

Thanks Mini x It’s such an awkward place isn’t it?! You don’t realise how much you use a particular muscle until it hurts! And it’s the biggest chest muscle...pectoralis major...so it’s impossible not to use it! 🙄
Pulled muscles are v painful - how are you managing at work? Really good of you to decline sick leave but in your line of work - know it must be difficult for colleagues when they're a person down.

Let us know how you get on with the scales! x

I’ve spoken to my boss this morning and explained I can pretty much do everything apart from carry a heavy patient. It would worry me that I could tear it further and also maybe drop the patient! I could possibly go on light duties and use a car but I’d prefer not to. The painkillers are quite good but rather strong for me. I was a bit woozy yesterday so my crewmate drove all shift which was a safer option. Today I’m halving the meds and I feel more alert. Plus it’s only a 9hr shift so I should be home not long after 7 tonight 😊
We’re already under so much pressure at the moment with half of our staff having left recently...those of us that are left feel a real responsibility to try and keep things going. So we try not to go sick, and we cover extra shifts like yesterday and today. We do have new staff in the pipeline but they haven’t actually reached us yet.
Well it’s not that often you sit on a doctors couch, topless, while she stares at your boobs to see if they’re symmetrical! Good luck with that one...they haven’t been symmetrical since I was 13 lol! 😳😂 Anyway painkillers are doing the job, although I may need to look up the syns in prunes if things haven’t moved by tomorrow! :sick0019:

Boobgate aside, I weighed this morning and was thrilled to find I’ve lost 4lbs and FINALLY got my 1st shiney! :woohoo:
I’m so happy! I feel like I’m proving to myself I can do this without going to group. The help on here is fantastic and more than a substitute for group! So thank you ladies!

1 down, 4 to go! 👍
I’ve spoken to my boss this morning and explained I can pretty much do everything apart from carry a heavy patient. It would worry me that I could tear it further and also maybe drop the patient! I could possibly go on light duties and use a car but I’d prefer not to. The painkillers are quite good but rather strong for me. I was a bit woozy yesterday so my crewmate drove all shift which was a safer option. Today I’m halving the meds and I feel more alert. Plus it’s only a 9hr shift so I should be home not long after 7 tonight 😊
We’re already under so much pressure at the moment with half of our staff having left recently...those of us that are left feel a real responsibility to try and keep things going. So we try not to go sick, and we cover extra shifts like yesterday and today. We do have new staff in the pipeline but they haven’t actually reached us yet.

Ah you're so dedicated to your job as I expect are the majority of your colleagues all over the country - we're so lucky to have you all :classic_smile: I had to smile to read 'it's only a 9 hour shift' - I used to work long hours too but I was either behind a desk or driving around & staying in hotels with rarely any hassle to deal with. I hope the half does masks your pain and you're starting to heal - take care x
Well it’s not that often you sit on a doctors couch, topless, while she stares at your boobs to see if they’re symmetrical! Good luck with that one...they haven’t been symmetrical since I was 13 lol! 😳😂 Anyway painkillers are doing the job, although I may need to look up the syns in prunes if things haven’t moved by tomorrow! :sick0019:

Boobgate aside, I weighed this morning and was thrilled to find I’ve lost 4lbs and FINALLY got my 1st shiney! :woohoo:
I’m so happy! I feel like I’m proving to myself I can do this without going to group. The help on here is fantastic and more than a substitute for group! So thank you ladies!

1 down, 4 to go! 👍

Hee Hee about the symmetrical boobgate :classic_big_grin: and the possible need for prunes!

WOO WOO!!! :0clapper: :thankyouthankyou: :winner: great news on your shiny!! Just goes to show that Red days with their lower carbs work! I agree this is a great place to be! x
Ah you're so dedicated to your job as I expect are the majority of your colleagues all over the country - we're so lucky to have you all :classic_smile: I had to smile to read 'it's only a 9 hour shift' - I used to work long hours too but I was either behind a desk or driving around & staying in hotels with rarely any hassle to deal with. I hope the half does masks your pain and you're starting to heal - take care x

Aww thank you hunni x
It’s funny because today feels like I’m only working half a day 😂 We’ve just come back for lunch already! Usually I work at least 8-9 hours before lunch! 😂
The pain is actually quite manageable now thank you xx
Hee Hee about the symmetrical boobgate :classic_big_grin: and the possible need for prunes!

WOO WOO!!! :0clapper::thankyouthankyou::winner: great news on your shiny!! Just goes to show that Red days with their lower carbs work! I agree this is a great place to be! x

Thank you!!! I’m dead chuffed!!! It’s really spurred me on to get into the next stone bracket! I think red days suit me so much more than EE...although I do like my spuds! Xx
Glad you're able to manage the pain unless you're just being a very brave girl and it's hurting really ;) x
Well done on your 4lbs off.

Don't over do things. I've done something to my rotator cuff and having Physio. They told me to take painkillers but I refuse as if I don't feel the pain I won't know if it's getting better and I will over use it. :classic_roll_eyes:
Well done on your 4lbs off.

Don't over do things. I've done something to my rotator cuff and having Physio. They told me to take painkillers but I refuse as if I don't feel the pain I won't know if it's getting better and I will over use it. :classic_roll_eyes:

Funny you should say that Mary as I had the same conversation with my crewmate today.
I halved my dose of painkillers today as I need to know when I’m doing something that’s pulling on the muscle. I don’t like the idea of being completely pain free and then possibly damaging/overdoing it because I can’t feel it!
Hope you heal soon x

Glad you're able to manage the pain unless you're just being a very brave girl and it's hurting really ;) x

Lol Linda...bravery is definitely not my forté! 😂 If it’s REALLY painful, I like to make sure everyone knows about it! 😂😂😂
Quick food post as I’ve just seen the time! Picking Vicki up tomorrow so we can spend the day together 😊 She’s started up with Braxton Hicks so I think little man is getting ready to meet us!

Red day

Porridge B1
Milk A1

Ham sandwich B2 + 1
Crisps 3 1/2
Special k bar 3
2 satsumas

2 eggs
1/2 Tin toms
Tom sauce 2
Special K bar 3

Milk for coffee A2

Total syns 12 1/2
Ooh it's an exciting time - hope the little man arrives very soon!
Well done on your 4lbs and your first shiny :sw014:!

You need to make sure you are looking after yourself, as you soldering on may cause more damage in the long run.

Keep us posted on the immanent arrival !
Well it’s not that often you sit on a doctors couch, topless, while she stares at your boobs to see if they’re symmetrical! Good luck with that one...they haven’t been symmetrical since I was 13 lol! 😳😂 Anyway painkillers are doing the job, although I may need to look up the syns in prunes if things haven’t moved by tomorrow! :sick0019:

Boobgate aside, I weighed this morning and was thrilled to find I’ve lost 4lbs and FINALLY got my 1st shiney! :woohoo:
I’m so happy! I feel like I’m proving to myself I can do this without going to group. The help on here is fantastic and more than a substitute for group! So thank you ladies!

1 down, 4 to go! 👍
Fantastic luv really hope the pain eases for u I feel so rude as I just havnt had a chanch to read through your diary big hugs x