Hi ladies,
Firstly, thanks for your kind and caring thoughts for not just my uncle but for me too xx
Tbh, I've reached the stage where I'm almost expecting family/friends to have something awful happen to them. It's like a kind of resignation that someone close to me will become ill and die again. I used to read about families like mine, being affected so dramatically by cancer, never dreaming that it would happen to mine specially coming from a predominantly non smoking family. But here we are again, dads not even in the ground yet and his only brother is fighting for his life. I can't take it in some times...really makes you wonder doesn't it? And it probably doesn't bode well for my brother and me either!
Secondly, thankyou for your... er...very genuine concern over my recent extremely inconvenient predicament! Now atleast I know who my true friends are now lol! (Are u listening JoT??!

And lastly, I just wanted to tell you that the sun finally made it to our neck of the woods and we made the most of it! We went into Maryport and had a nice wander along the prom there...the tide was out so there was quite a lot of beach, and we could see Scotland. At the end of the prom was a little golf club, and as we all needed the loo and a cuppa, we went in. There was no one about, and just as we were giving up and coming out, this old boy came in and asked if he could help us. He said there was no staff but that we could help ourselves to the hot drinks machine. Then a couple more old boys came in off the course and made us so welcome, got us to sit down by the big picture window overlooking the sea, and had a good natter! They were so lovely, I could've stayed there all day! Anyway we walked back along the prom to the cars and then drove along the coastal road to a little garden and wildlife centre and spent a nice hour there.
When we got home, I cooked steak and new potatoes with a big salad which went down very well! The boys have just popped to the pub and Gwyn and I are going for a quick walk and then back by 9 as there's a film I want to watch again. It's called The fattest man in Britain and has Timothy Spall in. It's a bit slow at the start but well worth sticking with as the characters are brilliant and the storyline is very inspiring.
See you all later, hope you're all ok? Xxx