Gold Member
bexyboo said:I wish it would rain here too.. Clear the air a bit!! You could go sit in the fridge??hehe! x
Freezer would be better lol please tell me when this weight comes off summer won't be so much of a nightmare??? X
bexyboo said:I wish it would rain here too.. Clear the air a bit!! You could go sit in the fridge??hehe! x
julesm said:Wow well done on the run!in this heat too!
Bet you looked great in the shorts hot stuff!
Now all you need to do is progress to a swimsuit in garden! I can vouch for the fact that it's much cooler than clothes.Hmmn...not so much hot stuff... more luke warm tbh lol!
And it was only in the garden, but it was quite a big thing for me...can't remember the last time I wore shorts!
pjallen1982 said:Well done on your run Dawn, and sorry you had to put up with comments from rude individuals. As you know, I had a similar experience so I totally feel for you. Why people feel the need to shout abuse I don't know. Their lives are obviously so pathetic that getting a kick out of others is the only thing they can do. Well done on doing it though. Hope you're not in pain today x
Nattymo said:Well done on the running Dawn! and in this weather, you must have been baked!
I agree with the others, bet you were a hot lady in your hot pants
Wearing something like shorts is such a milestone isnt it? I wore some on hols in June, and it must have been the first time for at least 10 years!
Nat xx
Ps - I will see you at class next week Thur (11th) Hope Alicia is back?
What silly ambulance drivers. D'oh!
Your food sounds yummy as ever. If you're worried about WI, why don't you have a longish walk tomorrow to some shops and get some melon or strawberries or some superspeed foods. I was showing a sts yesterday but managed to lose a teeny 1lb so you never know. Keep at it and hopefully you'll be fine tomorrow.
Enjoy your day off x