I nearly had a heart attack when I logged on and found 13 pages of unread stuff here. It's taken me 45 mins but it was worth it !!!!!
You totally deserve the attention and fuss that he made and so does he with all this attention

. Please give him another big hug from me
Me next, me next.......................................
As we discussed, 1 week, 2 weeks or 3 weeks does not make a trend. I don't disagree with cutting back/out on the diet coke, but you have lost nearly 4.5 stone whilst drinking diet coke and eating 15 syns most days (I think ??) and had 2 (or maybe even 3 weeks) of STS or small gain. what you think ?? Anyway, you have cracked it again - YAAAAAAY. Superstar. Looking forward to hearing about this week again
The photos look FANTASTIC. Particularly the ones of you playing with Suki where you aren't posed and in the most flattering position and yet you STILL look skinny. Really (bet you don't properly believe me though !). Fabulous
You do look normal, normal and slim

. But I totally get what you mean.
How has the search for worktops gone ? (or has Suki taken over ??!)
Did you really not have any chocolate cake ????? If not, WOOOOOOW !!!!
Ha, ha. You got a good 'un there
HA HA HA HA !!!! Delighted all is going well. You are a superstar and I love all the shiny's on your signature

. Looking forward to the next one
Hope to catch up again soon.
Gail xxx