Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Evening peeps :wavey:

I hope you've all enjoyed some nice sunny weather today :character00238: It absolutely poured down here pretty much all day yesterday so it was lovely to see the sun today. Even put my shorts to mow the lawn :eek:

We took Suki to be registered with our vets this morning which went very well. It was interesting in the waiting room...it's not often you sit next to a pet boa constricter is it? :bolt: I kept a tight hold of little Suki I can tell you, despite the fact that her owner tried to reassure us he'd been fed already! :eating:

Anyway the vet gave Suki a clean bill of health :party0019: The hernia is a really minor problem...the hole is only about 4mm wide and it's just fat poking through...so it will be easy to sew up when she's spayed :D

After coming out of the vets, we headed on to work as I'd promised the girls We'd take Suki in to see them :doggy: They loved her of course, and she spent a very nice 20 minutes being made a real fuss of!

Then we popped to a new pet store to see what they had in the way of food for Suki, and had a good nose at all the lovely doggy stuff.

At home I got the lawn mowed and had lunch, and then had to start planning tea as I wanted to do cannelloni. Mum phoned to say she had my niece Maddie and would like to bring her up to see Suki, so we had a lovely afternoon playing together. Suki's more or less been asleep since they left lol!!!

Well I hope all you chaps and chapesses are ok and looking forward to an excellent weekend xx

Todays Food SEx (that's Success Express btw Stevie babe :flirt2: )


poached egg
1/2 tin toms

cannelloni (A)
salad cream (3)
Eton mess (1)

250ml ss milk (A)
fibre plus bar (B)

Total syns:- 4

So I still have a B choice left but I'm full up!!! :rolleyes:
Suki is such a sweetie-pie!

And . . . drumroll in order methinks.
11 st means you are NORMAL. Just look at your BMI! Way to go girl!
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Dawn - come and join us on the Sub-11 side. Your parking space is reserved and you know just what to do;)

Ooh I'm trying Stevie babe believe me... :shifter:

Just 1/2lb standing between me and the 10's...:sign0009::sign0009::sign0009:

Surely I can do that!!! :innocent0001:
Suki is such a sweetie-pie!

And . . . drumroll in order methinks.
11 st means you are NORMAL. Just look at your BMI! Way to go girl!


I'm NORMAL!!!!


Just caught up Dawn after being away and see that you got Suki early, I was thinking of you on Thursday :rolleyes: . Love the photo's - she's so sweet! That snake at the vet's :eek:, I would have died on the spot....ugh.
Well done on more weight loss, just brilliant! xx :D
Bess said:
Just caught up Dawn after being away and see that you got Suki early, I was thinking of you on Thursday :rolleyes: . Love the photo's - she's so sweet! That snake at the vet's :eek:, I would have died on the spot....ugh.
Well done on more weight loss, just brilliant! xx :D

Thanks Bess...its been a hectic week, that's for sure! We weren't really geared up to get her early...but its done now! And she is lovely, hard work but lovely! She's in bed with us atm! I know its naughty but she's just a baby bless her!

I'll pop along to your diary now hun xx

Nice to have you back xx
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Suki looks so sweet, like a little toy dog! :D

She does look like a toy lol! And she has the wriggliest bum I've ever seen! Xx

I'm NORMAL!!!!



Its funny as thats what I thought when I read when Bev said you were normal :8855:

thing is I have a heck of a long way to go till I'm normal :cry: :8855:
tillymax said:
Jackie honey, you'll never be normal :D

Your weight will be but not you :)


Sorry Jackie! ;)
Well done Dawn xxxx

Just a quick hop over the fence and you are in the tens!.....Absolutely amazing:)

And......almost 30% of your body weight lost, now that is just....can't think of a word.......so......:talk017::talk017::talk017:
Lol thankyou Lynne!

The excitement is practically killing me! :)
Jackie honey, you'll never be normal :D

Your weight will be but not you :)
When I said I wanted to get to be normal to my hubby he just fell around laughing. Through the tears he managed to tell me the exact same thing.
So Jackie you're in GREAT company not being normal !!!! :D
When I said I wanted to get to be normal to my hubby he just fell around laughing. Through the tears he managed to tell me the exact same thing.
So Jackie you're in GREAT company not being normal !!!! :D

:8855: thanks Bev hey who wants to be normal? - sorry Dawn thats not aimed at you sweetie you iz luffly and normal :D xxxxx
JackieN said:
:8855: thanks Bev hey who wants to be normal? - sorry Dawn thats not aimed at you sweetie you iz luffly and normal :D xxxxx

Well I don't know if I WANT to be normal anymore! *sniff*

You not normal lot seem to be having so much fun! Xx
Well I don't know if I WANT to be normal anymore! *sniff*

You not normal lot seem to be having so much fun! Xx
You're welcome in our madhouse Dawnie! Grab Suki and hop on.