Morning all
Apologies if I'm a bit distracted but I'm laying in bed with a cup of tea, a puppy who's decided that my ears are filthy and obviously need a good wash, and the England v France match on the tv. How exciting is this game??? What a difference to watch some REAL men in comparison to that bunch of overpaid footie fairies! Typical of the French to finally find their form against us

...they're 6 points ahead but its early days, hopefully! Wales won this morning so I have a very happy hubby, and this afternoon we're off to the saints so its a good day as far as we're concerned! Would be even better if we could win!
I've been a bit awol from here (well my own diary at least) as I've just been so busy. Work has been pretty dire, with both general hospitals being on black alert, so panic stations all round. And I've learned that 3 staff are leaving at the end of the month which could put the nail in the coffin for will probably mean dropping 2 vehicles which is something we simply can't afford to do operationally. We should hear if we've kept the contracts this month so keep your fingers crossed for us please xx
And of course when I got home from work last night, it was absolute chaos as Daniel had moved back in and there was loads to sort. We seem to have gained a lot of furniture that we haven't got room for, even though Dan told Katy she could take everything. And of course we have to find room for all of Dans prescription food which comes in bulk in big boxes so that's ended up in the utility room.
I'm really sorry for him as he really loved that little flat and it must be awful for him to give it up, but financially its the only thing he could have done. And from a selfish mummys point of view, it was nice to have all my babies back home last night.
But its certainly going to take some getting used to as Dans had a taste of independence for 6 months and is used to only having himself and Katy to think about.
And I'm so out of touch with cooking his food! Hope the poor kid is prepared for some disappointing dinners!
Anyway, half time now so I'm hitting the shower...hope to see you later, have a great day xxx