right...I had a lush night's sleep, was so good being back in my own bed! But I feel bloated and yukky from that chinese last night. Had a sp this morning and it said a 2lb gain, which shocked the hell outta me as I really have been a piggy this week lol. Anyway, back on it from today, we need to do a big shop so made a list of all the good things we need and gonna stick to that, so if theres no cr*p food in the house...i cant eat it

honestly though, I could be given a big bar of choccy right now and I wouldnt want it so maybe I needed the blow out to get me back on track and focussed
Our few days away was just so lovely, I got proper burnt on wednesday, just on my face but still bad enough to make look like a balesha beacon!! spending quality family time was just what we all needed. Havent laughed so much in ages!!
Saw my mother in a shop, she saw me and she couldnt run away quick enough lol...kinda put a downer on things for a bit but a few glasses of vino soon sorted that one out lol. I even went swimming!! not a big deal maybe, but for me it was as a girl that we went with is like a stick insect, with the perfect body, and i felt SOOOO self conscious around her but it was fine in the end. I dont expect to ever look like that but Im working on it
so...today....not sure whats on the menu til we get back from shopping, which prolly wont be til tonight cos dil takes forever to go round the shops lol. but for now its:
good ole oss - 2.5
wrap 2.5
soup 3
melba toast 1
flora light 1
cereal bar 1
cant decide what to have for dinner....prolly gonna have a jacket and prawns with salad.......but who knows!!!
will update the rest later
have a grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat day y'all