How's it going ladies?
I've gone over today (by a point) - I had a bit of a munch sesh when I found my car wouldn't start this morning and had only exactly enough points left for tea - then couldn't resist the taster of chinese food at Beavers. Never mind, I'll make it up tomorrow. The other thing is that I went over on my ankle a little bit on my run yesterday. I didn't think anything of it, but it's hurting today. I'll rest it for a day or two, but I'll be seriously peeved if I have to stop running as I don't want to do anything else! I feel a bit mardy this evening, I think perhaps I need an early night!?
Nibbs, my faves are pizza made on par baked bread(half a baguette 2.5), ketchup (0.5) and tom puree mixed for the sauce, extra light phil (1), a peperami(1) or parma ham (0.5) on top and onion and red pepper (total about about 5); Jacket potato; omelette; chicken caesar salad; pasta salad; soup. Can't think of anything else of hand!