Good grief what a tiring week! Halloween, more halloween, interviews, job offers. Bah I need sleep.
Anyway, the diet has been interesting this week. I stayed with my dear friend "Pandorasinbox" on Monday and Tuesday. Since she is on SS+ at the moment, and I will be there in a few weeks, I decided to join her for a couple of SS+ meals.
On first evening she whipped up a delicious chicken and mushroom salad and on the second evening chilli garlic Shrimp and Spinich. It was bizzarre eating again after 6 weeks away from food but I enjoyed it and was really full afterwards! I also learnt how to cook these yummy things for myself when I hit that point shortly.

Thanks Pandora. x
I also hit the gym for an hour and a half on Monday, and it felt good to do some exercise. I focused mainly on weights and gentle workout on the machines that got my leg muscles going. I didn't want to do anything too cardio, but just work at strengthening muscles. To try to shift some of the unwanted water weight I have on my legs and arms. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to the gym, but given I'll be a working girl again soon I'll need to try and fit it around work.
Weigh in tomorrow, who knows what the scales will say! I've aimed to get through all my water and even though I ate two meals they were completely within the SS+ guidelines. So hopefully there will be a loss, but it is equally possible I will have put on a bit of muscle. Ah well only time will tell!
Shattered now, so I'm going to toddle of to bed. :] x