Hello folks. Sorry for the lack of posts, it's been a busy couple of weeks.
So as I mentioned previously I started a new job two weeks ago, and I managed to keep the diet under control, even while surrounded by an office of gents munching take away noodles, soup and sandwiches. So top marks there!
I went away to Paris last Friday for 4 days and had the most amazing time. I had planned on staying fairly low carb and sticking to ss+ guidelines, but in all honesty seeing the prices of restaurants, and meals, out there I quickly threw that notion to the wind. Instead I decided to have some fun and make it an opportunity to do two things while I was there.
1) See how I fared with conventional food. How would I feel after eating 3 full meals a day? Did eating carbs effect how I felt.
2) Have a chance to try a few things I hadn't had before (or had not tried for a long time because I'd convinced myself I didn't like them).
I learnt a good amount. Firstly, I started to get a feel for portion size. Accidentally having to much for dinner one evening, made it vastly apparent to me the difference between being nicely full, and over-feeding oneself. Interestingly the quantity I had, was far less than I might have traditionally eaten in the past. I also found myself saying "no that's enough" and putting fork down, having only eaten about a 3rd of the plate.
Secondly, I discovered a few foods I liked. Smoked Salmon for one. I had tried this in the past as a young teen and turned my nose up at it. I'm not a fussy eater but fish was never something used to much like. However, having started the diet I have started to really crave trying healthy foods I have over looked in the past, fish being one. So, the discovery that I like not only prawns but also salmon was a pleasant one. I know I don't get enough iron in my diet so it will be good to rectify this in future, still need to try some oily fish like mackerel. I also tried French onion soup, which was delicious.
I did eat probably far to much bread and carb in generally during the four days. However, I noticed on the second and third day that this made feel sluggish and found myself opting for healthier option at breakfast where the choice was free and plentiful.
All in all I definitely learnt plenty about myself and food while I was away. Came back on the Tuesday and went straight back on to ss. My hopes had been that over the past two weeks I would be able to simply maintain the weight I was at last weigh in, or at the very least keep the damage to a minimum. So I weighed myself this morning to see where I stood.
2lbs down! Yes! :] not only does this mean that despite my slight bender on holiday I have lost weight, but also that I am now officially 1 stone above my healthy BMI. So now I can go up to ss+ and re-introduce one meal a day.
My plan is to do ss+ until Christmas time, and hopefully lose another 10/11lbs, which would get me under 11 stone. Then I can tackle that last stone in the new year as I progress up the steps. Wishful thinking perhaps but I'll just have to:
"Do, Or do not. There is no try." -Yoda