I lost all my excess weight a few years back, took up running, came off Dianette to see how things were: my symptoms hadn't improved. In fact coming off Dianette made it harder to maintain my weight, I became lower and lower in esteem with greasy skin and spots (which were not that bad before I took the pill), excess hair worsened. I also tried metformin at one point, it didn't do anything for me. A few months back I had a test for insulin resistance and it came back normal so that would probably explain that. I ended up going back on the pill.
I don't think it's fair to push diet and exercise as some sort of miracle cure, it's certainly something we should strive towards, be a bit healthier! I just think of the times I've been disappointed thinking this could work, that could work, only to find it hadn't. I would never say give up hope though, I certainly haven't!!