Do you have PCOS?

it's such an unfair condition.. and I don't know about you, but I've found it very easy to underestimate what a negative affect it has had on my life, and very easy to blame myself or think the symptoms are some kind of sign of MY failing or something about my character, rather than a condition.. Would I be like this if it were a different condition?? I don't know...

If you're reading this and suffering with the weight/hair/low mood/fertility/self esteem symptoms of PCOS... :flowers: Congrats for putting up with it!!! :D

Hey, I'm new here. But Yeah, I have PCOS. I was diagnosed around 5, 6 months ago and I am 20. I only have like 2 periods a year. And have some of the other symptoms, but not all. The fertility side of it is esp. worrying. To tell the truth I try not to think about it much. My doctor said if I lose more weight hopefuly the symptoms will go, or at least get a lot better, and I'll have regular periods and be able to have babies fine. So for now I'm not getting any kind of treatment apart from encouraged to lose weight. Hopefuly it will do the trick...?
the intensed pulse life means the excess hair from face is gone - it really is worth it after all the years of plucking and waxing. I know shaving seems horrible while you have it done but once the first lot of hairs drop out, you will feel so much better and the anxieties of shaving will become a thing of the past. now its a thing of the past. the only hair left now is very fine and not noticeable. maybe becos of the pcos it may mean have to go for one of treatment maybe once a year but its so worth it. The place i had it done recognised pcos so you recieved 20% off the treatment on your face with a letter confirming pcos from your gp. Please consider it. It has changed my life. Now just for the darned weight.... :)
HI, I have PCOS, symptoms were weight gain, bad skin, irregular periods. went to the docs had the blood test, had a high testosterone level so got referred for the scan where they found the little blighters :D

Although, I havent had to much trouble losing weight, I'm doing SW and lose about 2lbs on a week on it, I have noticed now I'm lighter that my other symptoms are much less severe, especially my skin. :)
I'm worried I have PCOS :( I'm trying to bury my head in the sand at the moment as I seem to have a phobia of having anything wrong with my internals.
I am going to get tested however when I finish CD. I'm only 18 and have no desire to have kids yet, but I know I want to one day, infertility really frightens me and I hope if I get it diagnosed now then I can at least try and do something about it.
Luci.. when I asked about PCOS and fertility I was told "just don't leave it too late.. you should be ok up to about 35 years old"

..there are plenty of people with both PCOS and children... the best thing you can do for yourself is to eat healthily (I'm including CD SS in that, of course!! :D), enjoy being active, and look after your emotional wellbeing.. You'll be fine :)

Weight watches

I was diginosed with pcos in feb of this year.:mad::cry:. I am now trying to start loseing weight. I was woundering if anyone with pcos has tried weightwatchers. I am thinking of it cause i am unsure of any other diets. I was also thinking of the gi diet, but wan to know if they work, I have never tried a diet before.
Hi Nessie!

Have a good stroll around minimins and you'll soon get a good idea for the different diets people are on around here and which would suit you...

because PCOS is apparently related to insuline resistance (a bit like type two diabetes), a lot of the literature recommends low GI (or GL - glycemic load.. check it out :) )

Personally, I think WW is really good for developing healthy eating habits... it entirely depends on things like
-how much you have to loose (google BMI, and check your current BMI - good starting point)
-what your reasons for loosing weight are
-what you personally want to gain from joining a weightloss programme in the first place..

It may be that you're already eating healthily and you're better off looking into ways of adding more enjoyable activity into your life..

It's worth checking out 'Verity' for PCOS as well, cause they have lots of good advice and information...

as far as diets are concerned.. Have a good look round.. and think about YOUR personal reasons.. For example, if you prefer the support of a group, WW might be best.. if you're more interested in getting active again as well, you might prefer Rosemary Connelly..

You might want to take a bit of time to find out more and choose. Sounds like you're doing all the right things :)

Whatever you decide - all the very best! - and keep us posted!

I was diginosed with pcos in feb of this year.:mad::cry:. I am now trying to start loseing weight. I was woundering if anyone with pcos has tried weightwatchers. I am thinking of it cause i am unsure of any other diets. I was also thinking of the gi diet, but wan to know if they work, I have never tried a diet before.

Hi Nessie i 2 have POCS and have done for many years and i have just rejoined WW.
Following the WW plan will work really well for you as long as the majority of the food u choose is the low gi foods and try to stay away from the processed carbs and you should have good losses.
Take care x
Hi there, I am a PCOS sufferer too. I have been diagnosed a few years ago after really bad pain from my ovaries. My cycles have always been irregular and have always had difficulties controlling my weight.
I was also TTC when diagnosed and have been told it might be difficult... As I was 34 at the time, I have been put on Metformin, have been told to lose some weight ( even 10% of your bodyweight can improve your chances ) but most importantly to go on the low GI diet. I then lost a stone in a month ( low GI/metformin combined), my cycles became more regular and I have been referred to an endocrinologist who's increased my metformin intake. I was on a waiting list for a fertility treatment in January but fell pregnant in December and am now a proud mummy of a 21 month old, so there is hope girls!
I fell off the wagon after I have had my son and because I had pregnancy related diabetes, I had to inject myself with insulin which made my weight go haywire. Anyway, to cut the long story short, I am now back on the low GI diet combined with the metformin and have lost 26lb in 11 weeks. I know it is a bit slow but I really enjoy being on this diet as it doesn't really feel being on one to me.
My endocrinologist told me metformin was not a miracle drug to lose weight but taken with the right diet, it can help to weightloss.
PCOS can be a real bummer and get you down but there are ways to try and control it.
Good luck to all of you x
I have PCOS and the only weight-loss solution I have ever found to be spot on is cutting out those carbs, taking Metformin and exercising lots! I am on WW but low carb and have lost 10lbs in as many days.

I have PCOS also and found out in my early thirties - had been having problems conceiving and had always had irregular periods. Had one hell of a period (more hemorage) and was hospitalised for three days and then they tested me/ scanned me and was finally diagnosed. However, it has settled for me and I have emergency pills for heavy flow! Am lucky that I don't have problems with hair - but the weight and the lack of baby and heavy periods are no better! Was told by the gynaecologist that this is a genetic problem that it is preprogrammed before puberty and affects women even after the menopause. Also higher risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes - GREAT! It is more difficult to lose weight also with PCOS and easier to gain - found with a diagnosis it was the first time in my life I met doctors who weren't judgemental about my weight and were actually very supportive so it was a relief to know what was going on. PCOS can affect blood sugar and therefore eating - common for PCOS sufferers who have insulin resistance to be very overweight and to feed their sugar highs and lows with the wrong things. If only I knew in my teens!

I've had pcos since 15 years - have nearly no symptoms now since i lost a lot of weight with cd - since the i've had regular periods for 1st time in years. hair has reduced and headaches only occasional. metformin has also helped me in the past when i was dieting conventionally but i think the boost from a vlcd really helps to maintain the motivation. i have had the heart disease pattern with high blood pressure since age 30 yrs - but i swear exercise and cd helps to manage this too. i'd say stick with it my dear cysters(!), my life has improved so much since i got to grips with pcos. after cd, i will switch to low carg/low gi to help keep me in the right place but exercise is a huge help too cos it addresses the insulin resistance. i think it is hard cos pcos stacks everything against us in terms of losing femininity and struggle to loose weight - my gp didnt understand how unfair it felt and didnt want me to do cd, she wanted me to do essentially a vlcd on normal food, how impossible/set up to fail would that be? i saw a different doc who approved the diet and i have not looked back (despite gaining a bit due to an emotionally abusive partner feeding me up!). But i dont think u have pcos forever, as u lose weight, the syndrome loses its grip on u. Good luck to us all.
I was diagonosed with PCOS in my late 20's so about 15 years ago. Fortunately I'd had my family.

I had a Mirena coil fitted to stop the periods as I was having periods for weeks at a time and very heavy. Since losing weight I've started to have regular 4-weekly 'shows'.

I didn't know of the link between PCOS and diabetes which is why i probably succeded in losing weight with Rosemary Conley as its a low fat, low G.I. diet.

Unfortunately losing weight hasn't helped with the hair (although the resulting tummy tuck removed the hair on my stomach for me). And i've found as i'm getting older i'm getting more and more spottier. I've tried the Vaniqa cream but that made the spots worse and at the time I couldn't cope mentally with the 'being over-weight, having facial hair and having spotty face' (which only makes people look at you more). I would walk in town with my head held down not looking at anyone.

I still have the problem with my facial hair. It stops me getting close to anyone and I think i'll forever be single because of it. I prefer to wax my chin but that means letting your facial hair grow (not nice). So I tend to shave daily (which I also hate because us women with facial hair are no different to men and if the hair isn't quite long enough you end up with little 'nicks' all over your chin). If i'm going away I try to time it so I can leave the hair for a few days so I can wax it at the last minute. I don't like to let my little nieces to stand next to me or cuddle me becuase I can't bear people to see it.

Something I am just going to have to live with I guess cos as a still-single parent I would never afford the longed for laser treatment.
i have pcos i was diagnosed at 18 after changing gp's, previous one tried to tell me it was just ibs
i have the full range of symptoms and tests confirmed im insulin resistant. i was given metformin after giving some online research to my gp who hadnt heard of it.
after trying for a baby for 3 years i was given clomid and got pregnant on the first cycle. metformin was stopped and it was to be restarted as soon as i finished breast feeding but gp decided i should go back again to the gynae who got mad and told them he had given specific instructions and to give it back immediatly
i moved from belfast to sheffield, new gp gave me my metformin after belfast faxed the consultants letters and then the next month told me she never got it ( i was in the room when she recieved the fax ) so i moved gp's again and my notes arrived to them and all my medication history was missing! she said i would have to be refferred to gynae again and 8 months on she still hasnt sent the refferal, i shall be going back in to find out the score as my periods are on the missing list and im wasting pregnancy testers, lol
im a single mum ( do have a partner, hes not her dad ) so will be saving slowly for laser hair removal as i have a tash and alot of chin hair now, need to shave twice a day to try and keep it at bay
I have PCOS too - makes it more difficult loosing weight for me. I have some horrible pains at times but i'm hoping that getting my weight down will help!
another one with PCOS found out when i was 19 and slim so didn't address my diet which i wish i had at the time ..when i got married at 22 i had gained maybe 7lbs ..but soon after i piled on 3 stone in 2 years yikes .. a combination of fertility treatment bad diet, depression and everyone telling me how hard it was to lose weight with pcos ... i thought for a while well this is me then a fatty ... better get use to it ...but then something clicked i didn't want to let the PCOS win ... after 6 years TTC we decided we didn't want to have a family so for once my body was all about me and since then i have slowly lost the weight i did lipotrim to start Yuk!! then CD ..for around 6-8 weeks been calorie counting using low carb food's i think i may go back to CD to get to my goal but i have to say wow ... i think losing the weight has kicked pcos bum :p i still get chin hair and a tash ..:cry:but not as bad don't have to deal with it as often, i have so much more energy , before i use to want to sleep at 3:30pm! - regular periods have returned ...why oh why did i miss then :D but honest girls their is hope PCOS woman CAN lose weight we can reduce our symtoms and we can claim our lifes back .... you can do it please don't be labelled !
PCOS can :kissass:
I have suffered from PCOS since my teens although it wasn't diagnosed until I was 30 when I'd piled on 5 stone in a year. It was lovely to finally know what the reason for either no periods, or six monthly periods was, why I was like a teenager with spot break outs & mood swings & why the cat was only marginally more hairy than me! I had continually been told to lose weight every time i went to my Dr with any issue they always said it was due to being fat. It made me so mad! I also have an underactive thyroid... That was diagnosed at the same time...:sigh:
I'm gutted that I didn't push harder, but at the time I just accepted what I was being told.
I had electrolysis but it wasn't very much use so I have had laser on my face. It has helped, but it is still pretty bad-I have gone from shaving twice a day to once (as long as I'm not seeing anyone in the evening IYSWIM) I'm pretty gutted about that, but my consultant did say it may help, but never totally cure the problem. :cry:I tried vaniqa but it didnt work for me & the side effects were horrendous. If you read the leaflet it says the effects will stop as soon as you stop using it, so I'd rather not bother. Biggest sadness is never managed to get pregnant & doubt that will happen now, even if I do manage to shift the weight. So, any of you young girls if it's important to you then get onto it asap. I found the GI diet worked the best for just keeping things ticking over, but I have a massive appetite so am going onto LT to get things started (I know that doesn't sound like it makes sense, but it does to me! :rolleyes:)