Do you have PCOS?

i have severe pcos, i work hard to keep my weight down as poss,being slimmer make me feel lots betta than any drugs can! but it happens VERY slowly, and can go back on VERY quickly! I have slight facial hair but no more acne as i have got older. My main symptoms are no periods, ovary pain, mood swings, tiredness and worse of all infertility.
hi guys. im 22 years of age and was diagnoses with pcos in july much to my dismay but not surprise. im off the pill which i have always been on to regulate my menstraul cycle and i have lost a stone since the diagnosis. i have joined weightwatchers and while i have been doing quite well and have definitely changed my eating habits for the better i still think i have a while to go, but sure slowly but surely. one of the best things about weightwatchers for me is portion control and becoming aware of how much is too much for your body to take so im much more aware. i have a gluten and dairy intolerance and so bit by bit i am trying to cut it out, i dont think i ever will cold turkey but ive gotten much better. i have my bad days, today was one but i no longer let my weight control me. anyway i so desperately want to be a mom when im older so im determined to lose another three stone to reach my goal weight and give myself and my health the better opportunity to enjoy my future.

anyway i was just wondering if any of ye have heard about giving up things like non organic chicken and soya products? i have eaten a good bit of chicken this past fortnight and i have to admit, having been off it a month before this i definitely notice a difference in how i feel now with it back in my diet so i think im gonna avoid anything but organic meat from now on if possible. as for soya and someone withe a severdairy intolerance, its a no go im told. my gp has mixed views on all this but i have to admit since coming off the pill and since introducing way more fruit and veg into my diet i do feel a bit more balanced in my self.

im aware now that the weight i lose, is so hard to lose again if i put it back on and im more determined now to keep it off.

i was just wondering if anyone has any specific dos or donts with their diet and pcos?

hugs n kisses x
i got diagnosed with pcos when i was 13. im very overweight, have excess hair but never suffered from acne...

im going to have a gastric band in 7 weeks....i no...very contraversial but i feel its the only way ill be able to have kids which i so desperately want!xxx
Omega! Hi! I've been wanting laser treatment for ages, but don't know the first thing about it, or who to go to, or what's safe, or what to look out for.....

Please tell me allllll :)


i also have PCOS, i carry all my weight around my middle! and have the excess hair ive been using vaniqa recently though and that seems to help. ive also had problems conceving been trying to conceive for years had oen miscarriage and one ectopic!! fingers crossed getting rid of this weight will help!!!
I've just been for a quote for laser treatment. £110 per session :eek: (6 sessions required) and although to me my hair is bad, its not as bad as some i've seen.

I have booked the appointment but I'm not so sure I can afford it really so may have to cancel and continue to hot wax/shave/pluck :cry:
Wow that's a lot! I think my friends was £345 for the whole lot. I will check with her and get back to you. Shop around cus that seems really expensive
Wow that's a lot! I think my friends was £345 for the whole lot. I will check with her and get back to you. Shop around cus that seems really expensive

Yeah I thought so too - I even said 'ouch' out loud when he told me how much it would cost.

Unfortunately as I live in North Norfolk, we're not very well catered for and even this one I have to travel for 35 mins to get to :(

i also have PCOS, i carry all my weight around my middle! and have the excess hair ive been using vaniqa recently though and that seems to help. ive also had problems conceving been trying to conceive for years had oen miscarriage and one ectopic!! fingers crossed getting rid of this weight will help!!!

hi siany. awh you poor petal, that is not easy. fairplay to you for losing the weight and your dead right to keep positive. im very lucky in that i dont suffer very badly with the physical symptoms such as hair growth and acne and however i do carry a lot of weight on my midriff but slowly but surely its coming off. i have a very dodgy menstrual cycle (since i was 13 approx 4 periods a year one every three to four months and each would last between a week and THREE weeks) however im pleased to say that since the diagnosis in july i have come off the pill which i was on for regulation of my periods and ive already had two so heres hoping. on a serious note tho my friend has pcos and suffers very badly from hair growth, she went to a hormone specialist who gave her a talk on pcos and what changes you can make in your diet. seeing as my biggest difficulty is my hormones and periods i was desperate for some advice so heres some pointers ive learned

avoid chicken that is not organic or cornfed. pcos simply put is a hormone imbalance. and chicken that is not organic or cornfed is pumped with hormones. if you put tow and two together in that chicken is probably the most commonly eaten meat then really its a good idea to make sure its in its best form before we eat it.

secondly and this may sound obvious but its huge avoid high fatty foods. i find that although its hard to give up chocolate and crisps its better to go for the lower in sugar and fat options. i try to eat dark chocolate when i have a craving or say instead of having a snickers i have a bag of malteasers. same with crisps. now obv if u can avoid them as they too or full of additives and you dont know what you are putting in your body.

and finally avoid genetically modified food as much as possible. people believe that pcos can be caused by additives in the diet taht we are unaware of. now by no means am i saying that its our fault that we have pcos, but basically i think the point is, try to eat food in as close to its natural state as possible. not only will it aid the weight loss, but more importantly you know what you are putting into your body.

if i could take my own advice id be flying. im here drinking diet coke which is so bad for you and full or more additives than anything! but hey bit by bit little buy little.

i hope this helps. these factors above should aid in everything with pcos.
goodluck to you all x
no probs! hey we all in the same boat. i want babies and i wanna be healthy! so its good to help each other. if i get any other advice ill be on here in a heartbeat! :D

ive really noticed a difference. for starters my periods are better but i dont know since ive cut out the chicken and replaced it with more fish and veatarian options i just feel much much better in myself. so i dunno anything is worth a try if it benefits your health.
Yeah I thought so too - I even said 'ouch' out loud when he told me how much it would cost.

Unfortunately as I live in North Norfolk, we're not very well catered for and even this one I have to travel for 35 mins to get to :(
That's a shame if you haven't got anything close by. I checked with my friend and hers was £345 for the whole 12 sessions
i want to cry now :cry:

think i would rather go further afield and pay less than be ripped off as I only have patches on my chin and a little on my neck and none at the sides at all! :(
Hi, I have PCOS and the weight piled on so I have now got my arse in gear and joined Slimming World and what can I say I have found a diet that works wooohooo, I have lost 12 pounds in 8 weeks. x x
I also have suspected PCOS , I will be going for my scan on Thursday to find out whats going on, And it was ME that brought it up with my G.P due to noticing my periods were sporadic, I had Hairs on my chinny chin chin, (And Nipple!) I have put on a LOT of weight over the course of 4 years and i just struggle with losing weight..But im determined for this to be a new begining of a sexy new me, Its just a long hard slog ahead of me. Im glad i came across Minimins its helped me to fully understand that im not alone. So THANK YOU :)
PCOS & Endometriosis

Hi Ladies!

I was diagnosed with PCOS when i was 17 and then had a laparoscopy and got told i had endometriosis and some pelvic vein congestion. I was put on Dianette for the pcos, but after the laparoscopy i was put on Medroxyprogesterone for 10 months. I was told that I could either make my body think it was preg or make it go through a fake menopause in order to radically effect the levels of my hormones to try and 'reset' them. Medroxy made my body think it was going through a phantom preg for 10 months. After that - I took myself off after a v.tearfull trip to my GP explaining side effects of depression, mood swings, rapid weight gain, and awful stretch marks. I just didnt think it was worth all that when i was just 21.

My first symptom for pcos was the excess hair/acne and irregular periods. I had acne until my early 20s, and then it went away, and now i just get spots around my jaw line. My hair 'issues' are on my tummy... its horrible - ive always been embarassed about it - but cause it everywhere!! Ive never done anything about it. Luckily i dont have it on my face although my legs, underarms, bikini line ect are very dark and thick - but im not bothered so much about that. I've always carried my weight around my tummy - im a proper 'apple' shape and have always been heavy. My GP's have also always played the same broken record - 'loose wight'......... but never sent me to a dietician, nutritionist or explained my carb cravings!! I found out everything i needed to know about pcos and endo from the internet!! Doctors don't know enough about PCOS and esp Endo in my opinion and not everyone is lucky enough to have a gp that'll send them for an ultra sound.

My symptoms that led to Endo being disgnosed was 'painful intercourse'. And of course it was'nt just as simple as having a laparoscopy! They sent me to a psychosexual therapist just to be certain it wasnt all in my head (who happened to be a v.attractive young male doctor that asked me to explain where it hurt - and show him on a picture of a vagina!! and what positions id tried ect.....) Only after he clicked that it wasnt in my head - did i get the laparoscopy! grrrrr

Anyways - I havent been on medication for mine since i was 22(ish) and my son is now 18 months old. He's a blessing - but he proves that you can get pregnant with what we have.

Hang in there ladies! there's so much info available online and so much advice/experience available through these types of forums. I think your all amazing women to be dealing with this!

My friend is going to Sk:ns, see if there is one near you Laser Hair Removal, Laser Tattoo Removal - sk:n Clinics

Thank you so much :) I've just arranged my free consultation in Norwich for next Tuesday with a test patch at £25!! The company I have already seen cost me £70 (£35 for consultation and £35 for test patch :mad:)!!

This company also offers interest free credit too so I may go down that route!

Thank you very much for the information. :flowers: :thankyou: