Do you think this could have made me sick?

hi ladylipo,
i'm guessing your asleep.....but thought i would just mention that at about the same point as you in the diet i had a wierd day like you've had....i nearly keeled over in the bathroom and was completely out of sorts, my other half refused to let me go to work and i had to take a day out but then was fine after!
hope you're back on form in the morning!
fran :)
hey ladylipo hope its nothing too serious, could be a viral thing (apparently its going around)

Hug a hot water bottle and dream of a hunky guy, that always makes me feel better :D
Bless, now your embarrassing me x
Tanx everyone for posting im feeling a little better today, iv to go to work in half an hour so hopefully ill be fine today coulnt deal with another day like yesterday :eek:
Glad you're feeling better honey xxx
Glad to hear you are feeling better ladylipo!!
Tanx peeps :D
im right as rain now WOOP WOOP roll on monday WI YAH
Now stop bloody moaning:p Glad ya better;)xx
Im stopped :D
Now shurrrr up ***** lol
Lol glad you're better x
I was soooooo paranoid my breath was stinking i went out and bought mouth wash listerine one, and on the back im only after noticing it has somethig citric in it!! i havent used it in a few days now, DO ya think that could have knocked me outta ketosis and the way i was feeling the other day was my body trying to get back in to it??
You'll be fine but you must watch out for citrus thingies as ingredients,
Get the listerine strips I want cinnamon ones but cant find any except ebay (USA):(
:eek: i hate mouth wash now :mad:
Iv looked everywhere for the listerine strips and there no where to be found, id be afraid to buy em off e bay incase they were spiked with suger and threw me outta ketosis lol
Hey have you 2 been cudling yet??:D xx
Hi Tracy, iv been resisting its tuff but i know the two you you have real history!!! lol