Do you want a team place or does your team have a vacancy - if so post in here

ah well lol!!! good on ya for filling so quickly!!

best of luck to ya!!

have just posted there :)

Does anyone have any spaces ? ... pretty please .. id love to be part of a team, Ive got just over 2 stone to lose so will be around a while

Hello All

I would love to join a team :D If there are any spaces available please let me know I would love to join tehehehe :D
I am an old time CD restarter (been 5 years since the last time I was on Cambridge) and just starting the plan again on Monday.. thankfully no where near my original start weight but keen to get the stone I packed on off and would love to join a group
would really really really like to be a part of a going into week 4 with 1 stone 10ibs to go!! am keen to be appart fo a little community of supportive cd'rs!! x x x
Space for a 'little' one?

Hi.... would really love to join a team for support and encouragement.

I have a whopping 6 stone :eek: (to my personal 12st target) to lose so really could do with a little something extra for motivation.

Please shout if you have any spaces in your team!

Thanks, Claire x
Hello there - I lost 4stone last year - and now put 1 stone back on and needing to lose ooooh; 5 stone??? Just started today - hi to all!!! Was/ am still on Sunshine team but everyone gone quiet since last on - would love to join anyone else's team as really need support??? x
Hi everyone

:) Would love to be on a team if anyone would have me!!! lol... Would really help me stay on track - thanx sal x
love to join a team to if anyone will have me:) xx
hi guys, when we were doing the weekly team challenge we were only allowed six people on a team. However, this challenge was wound up at Christmas so it doesn't matter how many are on a team so just come along and introduce yourself and you can be part of Team 1. The more the merrier.
I would like to join a team too... and also would love any tips/advice that anyone has for me?

Got my 1st CD meeting tonight