doin CD on the cheap!!!!!

There is a slimfast website which gives you nutritional info for each product SlimFast - Meals. Cambridge just has "typical" info. Not sure about the Atkins stuff.
Can I just say to anyone lurking or reading this and thinking of trying it???

Please Don't.
Cambridge and other VLCD's were developed and trialled for a long time before going out to the general public. Slim fast was and is not intended to be used as a VLCD and only as part of a calorie controlled LCD.
Slim Fast contains more carbs and calories than cd - on three Slim Fast meals a day (mixed with water), you'd be consuming a minimum of 75g of carbs, which most people wouldn't go into ketosis on. You'd also be taking in around 650-700 cals per day - a lot higher than cd.
Slim Fast contains a lot of nutrients, vitamins, etc, but is not nutritionally complete, hence them not marketing it as a complete meal replacement diet, and stating that you must eat a meal.

Virgo: I expect you're in ketosis, as you're replacing at least one of the three Slim Fast meals with a low-carb bar, which would take your carbs down to 50-55g per day. However, low-carb bars are in no way nutritionally complete, as they don't contain the vits, minerals, etc. Therefore, you're getting some of your rda from Slim Fast, but none from the low-carb bars - this is bad for your health, but will also send your body into starvation mode, affecting your weight losses in the long term.

As a short-term solution to running out of cd products, etc, your 'plan' would be a reasonable alternative, but it really isn't a healthy way to lose weight long-term, and could do some damage to your body.

Jo x
I agree about it being a bit harsh - and one thing I've noticed is the constant referral to £35 per week. I pay £14 at least more than that!! Every item is around 10p more expensive than that quoted here.
Atkins do have a bar that is complete in minerals. I've just been checknig it out. It is higher in calories, but if it tastes a LOT nicer then some may fancy having it every now and then to replace a CD bar. Each to their own.

Atkins is the original low-carb lifestyle

The Atkins Advantage brand offers people on the move, nutritional meal-replacement and snacks on the go. And with products ranging from breakfast bars to ready-to-drink shakes, there is something for everyone.
The Atkins Advantage Chocolate Decadence Bar, whether used as a snack bar or meal replacement tastes great and provides 19 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • 60g Bar
  • No added sugar
  • Calories: 220
  • Fat: 11g
  • Saturated Fat: 7g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 25g
  • Protein: 17g
Just wanted to post my thoughts. I used to be a sales rep here in the UK for Atkins. I can tell you that the Atkins bars are supposed to be used as a snack, they are NOT complete nutrition and should not be used as a replacement to a proper meal. The same goes for slimfast, these are also not nutritionally complete so by having 2 slimfast a day plus an Atkins bar, the body will be missing out on nutrition that it so badly needs when the calorie intake is very low.

The idea on the surface seems good but it's not comparing like for like. BTW i was in my local Tesco last week, and noticed they are discontinuing Atkins bars there.

Atkins do have a bar that is complete in minerals. I've just been checknig it out. It is higher in calories, but if it tastes a LOT nicer then some may fancy having it every now and then to replace a CD bar. Each to their own.

Atkins is the original low-carb lifestyle

The Atkins Advantage brand offers people on the move, nutritional meal-replacement and snacks on the go. And with products ranging from breakfast bars to ready-to-drink shakes, there is something for everyone.
The Atkins Advantage Chocolate Decadence Bar, whether used as a snack bar or meal replacement tastes great and provides 19 essential vitamins and minerals.
  • 60g Bar
  • No added sugar
  • Calories: 220
  • Fat: 11g
  • Saturated Fat: 7g
  • Total Carbohydrate: 25g
  • Protein: 17g
If you look at the nutritional info for the bars, on the website, they don't provide anything like a third of everything your body needs for the day. Even the vits, etc, they do contain aren't up to the 33% rda you'd need.

Jo x
Everyone has dealt with the alternative low cost suggestion so I'll leave that. What I'd like to comment on is the OP's comments about not giving CD anymore money to lose the weight she put on after initially losing it. I may be wrong but i get the impression OP is suggesting that CD is merely in it for the money and does not do what it claims? Am I wrong? Anyway, CD is here to help us lose weight and in the process we have the opportunity to learn about our eating habits. By following the stages once we reach our intended weight, we have an opportunity to learn a little more about food, our attitude to it, our behaviours surrounding it. This then will give the individual the opportunity to work on changing their lifestyle and their long term eating behaviours. If anyone expects this diet to be a quick fix, magic wand that will forever more leave them the size they reach with the help of CD - I have to inform you, that you will be sadly disappointed. You need to put some effort in once you have lost the weight. It isn't easy. The only person responsible for the weight gain is the individual though - not CD.

well said
slimfast is used as a quick fix, if your going on holiday or something, Not as a proper diet! i would love to meet someone whos lost stones on it and kept it off!, on CD you ween yourself back onto normally healthy food, you cant do that on slimfast, they dont have meals you can ween yourself back onto.

Ive tried slimfast [well every diet going] and it does not work, i dont think i ever lost more then a couple of lbs
Everyone has dealt with the alternative low cost suggestion so I'll leave that. What I'd like to comment on is the OP's comments about not giving CD anymore money to lose the weight she put on after initially losing it. I may be wrong but i get the impression OP is suggesting that CD is merely in it for the money and does not do what it claims? Am I wrong? Anyway, CD is here to help us lose weight and in the process we have the opportunity to learn about our eating habits. ,...quote]

Dancing is absolutly right.
Also to continue this strand I would add that in all the cost comparisons given so far I don't think any allowance has been given to the role of the CDC. Remember, we don't charge for our time, skills knowledge & experience. Likewise our support understanding & resourcefullness. Ultimatltly no-one will maintain any losses unless they make long term lifestyle changes & the best CDC in the country can't do the work for their clients, BUT the changes must be easier to adopt & practise with a CDC to urge you on.

As the car sticker says

A dog is for life not just for Christmas....Your CDC can be the same.

(a snip at £35 a time ....& we even throw in a weeks supply of food )
(a snip at £35 a time ....& we even throw in a weeks supply of food )

Sorry but I feel a must to throw in a bit of humour.... 35 per week - pooooooo pahhhhhhhh that doesnt even cover my flippin sandwich bill for lunch let alone the constant supply of wine! I've not even covered breakfasts, dinner & snacks either!
I'm sticking with CD definitely, but I understand if you do not have the money why people look for alternatives. Obviously a lot of people who have replied are councellors so they have a vested interest in CD. As a neutral 'dieter' I can see it from both sides. All I do with my councellor is get weighed and pick up the shakes....nothing else. If someone with a little money wanted to do Atkins bar for Brekky, slimfast for lunch and a low carb meal for dinner (for eg a meal off the 820 plan), then I'm sure nutritionally that would be fine and you would stay in ketosis. Each to his own!!
Sorry but I feel a must to throw in a bit of humour.... 35 per week - pooooooo pahhhhhhhh that doesnt even cover my flippin sandwich bill for lunch let alone the constant supply of wine! I've not even covered breakfasts, dinner & snacks either!

Sorry T4Me I wasn't specific enough.
all my clients get:
full english B'fast,
Deli lunch,
Devon cream tea &
silver service a La carte gourmet dinner with a choice of wine from my extensive house cellars.

The whole being cooked & served in the clients own home by our dedicated professional staff.

what more do you want? green shield stamps?
Sorry T4Me I wasn't specific enough.
all my clients get:
full english B'fast,
Deli lunch,
Devon cream tea &
silver service a La carte gourmet dinner with a choice of wine from my extensive house cellars.

The whole being cooked & served in the clients own home by our dedicated professional staff.

what more do you want? green shield stamps?

WHAT?? OMG THIS IS UNREAL!! Im sacking my cdc :p
I'm sticking with CD definitely, but I understand if you do not have the money why people look for alternatives. Obviously a lot of people who have replied are councellors so they have a vested interest in CD. As a neutral 'dieter' I can see it from both sides. All I do with my councellor is get weighed and pick up the shakes....nothing else. If someone with a little money wanted to do Atkins bar for Brekky, slimfast for lunch and a low carb meal for dinner (for eg a meal off the 820 plan), then I'm sure nutritionally that would be fine and you would stay in ketosis. Each to his own!!

I take your point.
I suspect that people do do all the things you've suggested...& more.
Also I respect your calming pragmatic & uninflammatory comments.

But..Surely you do more with CDC than you've said?
-review the week gone
-plan the week ahaead.
What things were hard, ideas to smooth them out, strategies for dealing with forseeable &/or unforseeable difficulties?
Having a moan about those niggling bits of life that creep up or jump out at us & threaten to get in the way of the diet.
celebrating & re-inforcing the achievements so far
I could go on...Actually I frequently do...but think I've made my point.
My CDC rocks :D
Ah guys everyone is entitled to their opinion and she was only trying to help out..... if it is working for ya and your health is not suffering then go for it!!!!!!! Whateva floats your boat...hahah
Very interesting thread. HMMM
