On the other hand, in desperation, how many of us have reduced our calories far too low in the past, in an attempt to lose weight, without any thought for whether we're getting complete nutrition? I certainly have, as I knew very little about that kind of thing when I was younger.
very good argument here. the amount of students that are ruining their bodys with alcohol, poor diets and drugs! so I'm missing a few nutrients but the damage cant be as bad as if i wer livin up student life!!!
im 5.1'' my goal is 6.7st im currently 7.7 and....before u start tellin me about my BMI i already kno. but i do not base my weight loss on this....i go by how i look and how i feel.
also. i am not loosing weight rapidly anymore its normally only 2-3 Ibs a week.
spot on Tracey. which, of course brings the argument full circle.
Enter stage left THE CAMBRIDGE DIET. Minimum Cals maximum nutrition.
Problem solved.
Are you asian Virgo? Just wondering as healthy bmi is lower if you are.
im 5.1'' my goal is 6.7st im currently 7.7 and....before u start tellin me about my BMI i already kno. but i do not base my weight loss on this....i go by how i look and how i feel.
I'm 5ft 1!!! (and mixed race)
I gotta stop reading this thread - its starting to scare me.
Good luck virgo with whatever you do eventually xx
BG..I rather fear you are referring,at least in part,to my post.
thankyou virgo for your last & excellent post.
You stood your ground & made a convincing case for the sense & safety of your intended loss.
Much the same as the way you have defended your diy-CD plan.
After I posted my Pompous biochem lecture I did wonder if I'd been a bit too aggressive. I am, after all , a bossy old fart & you a student.
I needn't have worried.
As a nosey old bag too..I'm fascinated to know what you are studying?
have you always been good at getting your message across?
hi jane....i like a good debate! this has been a very interesting thread frm begin to end! and as a new user to minmins has got me fully addicted!! i liked very much what u had to say so no worries!
im studying architecture currently but come september i will be specialising in interior design- the architectural side.
its funny u shud ask if i have always been good at getting my message across, alot of people say that i am a great speaker. Im actually the head girl at uni working as the chair of the student commitee and also the managing director of an extra business course i am studyin for fun!
i think i must get it from my dad, he's taught me everything i kno about debating! frm an early age i was taught not to whine but to work out a balanced argument for what i want! i think growning up my parents used to say no to everything i asked just to teach me how to reason with people. so now i guess its just natural!....useful skill that i appeciate now!
what is it that u do? virgo
Hi Virgo......as you know I've pretty much backed up everything you've said from the beginning of this thread, but I'm very concerned at your goal weight hun. My sister in law is 9 stone and she is 5ft 1. To imagine her losing 2.5 stonesShe is a lovely size 10 now. Her figure is AMAZING. She's got MASSIVE boobs and a lovely curvy figure. She moans all the time about her figure, but she is lovely and slim.....and her concerns are totally unwarrented. I dont think people ever think their figures are perfect and I'm concerned that once you get to your goal then that will not be enough. Surely a lovely healthy size 8/10 is better then trying for a size 6!! Its better to be lovely and curvy.....far more sexy hun!
hi shazpaz....
i have never been 6.7st so i cant be certain that that is the weight i want to be but i kno at the moment i wud still like to be a bit smaller. it may turn out that the next 7Ibs will make a big difference in how feel and look and will be the point at which i stop but i wont kno until i get there.