Addicted to Minimins!
1 tin chick peas drained
lemon juice
garlic (to taste... personally the more the better
water (4 tblsps... u can tell if u need more)
Blend it all up untill its smooth, i use a hand blender but im sure u could use a food processor or similar....
then i serve it with carrot, pepper and cucumber batons or have it on ryvita if they are my healthy extra B
hope this helps 
This makes a very thick hummous... if you like it a little less 'stodgy' im sure you could stir some quark or fat free fromage frais through it
1 tin chick peas drained
lemon juice
garlic (to taste... personally the more the better
water (4 tblsps... u can tell if u need more)
Blend it all up untill its smooth, i use a hand blender but im sure u could use a food processor or similar....
then i serve it with carrot, pepper and cucumber batons or have it on ryvita if they are my healthy extra B
This makes a very thick hummous... if you like it a little less 'stodgy' im sure you could stir some quark or fat free fromage frais through it