Gold Member
Donna - I'm back, restarting yet again!!! Loving the menu - I did lots of the same and last week was a case of post-holiday blues so decided no more excuses from today 
Catch up soon xx
Catch up soon xx
Hi Hev - didn't make it to classHey Donna, sounds like you had a great time! The 'cock pastitsada' doesn't sound very appetising though and the 'frog ****' cocktail sounds ropey, but otherwise the menu sounds delish!! You can shift those excess lbs quickly and the main thing is that you're going to class Thurs and nipping it in the bud straight away which is the only way to do it basically and you'll be so glad you did whatever the damage ! Well done hun and welcome home! X
Val - it was fab - miss it so much, hope you are well xxxHi Donna glad u had a great holiday xx
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HI dex, well done on the restart - how's your first week gone? I am starting again tomorrow - gonna make a big batch of the magic pancakes I think to mae it easy xxxDonna - I'm back, restarting yet again!!! Loving the menu - I did lots of the same and last week was a case of post-holiday blues so decided no more excuses from today
Catch up soon xx
Hi Jo - I am good just got very lost and confused in the sweet, cake, chocolate etc aisles at TescoHi Donna. Hope everything's good with you hunni x
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Hev - am back I promise, will catch up with yourr diary asap xxxHi Donna, just checking in to say hi, but you don't seem to be in at the moment!! Hope you're managing to pull it back since Corfu, but if not, don't panic, it's never too late and we just want you back here inspiring us with your funny little anecdotes and mouthwatering food pics/ideas!! Hope to see you soon hun XXX
I'm fine Val - am I reading your signature properly - are you back on Slimming World???hi donna hope ur ok xx
Hi hun, so lovely to see you back! It's the only thing that matters! No beating yourself up now, just refocus and do what you know very well how to do! May I suggest that you look no further than your own thread for inspiration?! (Although looking at others can be inspiring too of course!) It's just that I can't think of anywhere else better than your own as it contains all the food you like - all those great ideas and recipes tried and tested! And looking back at your weight loss successes whilst you were eating all that delicious food will get you back on the rails if nothing else!! Are you sure you want to use negative imagery to motivate you? It does work for some people but not for me I'm afraid! It would be more likely to fill me with self hatred and remind me of how far I have to go! Do you have a pic of yourself looking slim and carefree that you could put up, or hang up an item of clothing in the size you'd love to get to? Just my opinion hun, whatever works for you to get you back in the zone I say xxxxxxxxx
donnajt said:Thanks Hev - i dont let anyone take a picture of me FULL STOP! there was a fun day at mil's caravan site on sunday and a lovely man took a pic of me and noah - and it was a make up call big time i genuinely forget how large i really am lol!!! at the mo i don't feel any self loathing i promise but if i do start heading in that direction, I have my gorgeous wedding pic to remind me how gorgeous i am
the most upsetting thing for me was...taking Noah swimming on thursday and my rapidly fading suntan dissolving in the chlorinated water
Im glad you don't loathe yourself hun as this isn't good! I would say I'm somewhere in the middle of self-loathing and self- liking! X
Hev - I've just reread your last post, you are gorgeous, generous, caring, supportive, fun, loving, truthful, inspiration, focused, determined, you should be somewhere between self liking and self loving xxx
Absolutely! Well said that girl!
I think that's a terrific result Donna - it's never as bad as you think it's going to be. Strangely enough, I find the bad results seem to crop up out of the blue when you least expect them. When you think the worst it never seems to work out that way (IMO).
So what's on your agenda for the weekend now the scales are out of the way? x
Jo Jo Jo Jo are so lovely!!! I am struggling got to admit ... writing my meal plans ... only managed to do today and I still have a big fat blank where lunch should be and its 2:45...what can I have???Yay so glad your back been missing your postsI don't have anything new and inspirational to say apart from agreeing with heather and Andrea your one of the most inspirational people around here lady so have a look back at your own posts and your yummy looking food
and defiantly no self loathing is allowed get them gorge wedding photos out and I here any negative chat creeping in and I'll be here to give u a mahoosive kick up the bum
have a fab Saturday lovely lady x
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