Oooh another yum recipe. It might be worth doing an EE day to have that. I don't think I have had Chorizo so will be interesting to taste. mmmm... I used to do a Mattesons smoked sausage risotto with salsa in it - goodness knows how many syns that was.
Sorry didn't give you the receipe as i've had a really busy weekend but noticed you got the receipe anyway
The mash pizza is really good. I use Tesco Value instant mash as the Smash one is now syns but tesco one is free and is lovely. I sprinkle some basil in it and pour hot water on it till it mixes to a dough. Line a tray with baking paper and spray with fry light. Flatten the dough down till its really thin. Spray fry light on top and cook in a really hot oven for 15-20 mins till you can tap the top. Turn over and cook for another 5-10 mins then put on your sauce and toppings and cheese. I use full fat 28g or if on a green day use HEAx2 56g. Full fat cheese seems to melt better. Pop in oven for a further 5-10 mins. Really nice. You won't believe it. In fact I might make one for lunch today![]()
The mash pizza is really good. I use Tesco Value instant mash as the Smash one is now syns but tesco one is free and is lovely. I sprinkle some basil in it and pour hot water on it till it mixes to a dough. Line a tray with baking paper and spray with fry light. Flatten the dough down till its really thin. Spray fry light on top and cook in a really hot oven for 15-20 mins till you can tap the top. Turn over and cook for another 5-10 mins then put on your sauce and toppings and cheese. I use full fat 28g or if on a green day use HEAx2 56g. Full fat cheese seems to melt better. Pop in oven for a further 5-10 mins. Really nice. You won't believe it. In fact I might make one for lunch today![]()