I wouldn't get rid of the thread. It is an interesting read and throws up a couple of really good points about us as individuals.
I have to admit I didn't read anything from anyone that was overly negative, until OP got frustrated by some comments she obviously felt were too negative.
Laurenmay, if you are still here, please don't give up. This is the only thread I've read you on and you sound as though your head is all over the place, buying shakes and replacement meals and not finishing them and, virtually, giving them away.
Perhaps you could try my 'method'? When I decided I was going to try and lose weight I spent a year cleaning up my diet, cutting out all of the unecessary bits, sugars, sweets, chocolate, fats and salt in cooking etc, etc. It helped me realise that I eat quite healthily but I eat a LOT of food. Probably a hang over from when I was a fit aerobics instructor!
Then I worked out that I didn't want or need a fast fix, despite being about 6 stone overweight (OMG did I really just type that out loud?). So I did a bit of reading, tried a stupid meal replacement diet a friend recommended, gave her the sachets I had just bought and had a rethink. JUDDD just sounded right to me. I got the book so I could check Johnsons references. Lecturing on a University campus means I have access to a lot of science journals. I liked the sound of it, the weight loss seemed to be secondary to the health benefits... all good.
So I started, well I rushed in a bit, and failed. But still liked the idea of it. So in July, at the end of term, I started again and have really enjoyed it!
I'm not saying JUDDD will be for you, but just thought you might benefit from slowing down and thinking more than trying, trying, trying.
Anyway, whatever you choose, good luck!
(sorry if that all came out really patronising, I go back to work on Monday and my teacher head is back on
