Don't you just hate it when....

In one sentence Pinknails - You just do. Thats what I always got told by my mam, she said you have to cut your cloth to suit. If you dont have the money you cant have it. I always admired my sister for bringing her 4 kids up with a lazy good for nothing who wouldnt work. Her kids are all grown now with kids of their own but sadly shes not here to see it.

Theres always someone worse off hun - you will do it if you really want it bad enough x

thats very true
my bf sais i worry too much im always thinking and worrying over little things but i cant help it, wish i was as strong as some people x
We all have our strengths and weaknesses hun. Im a worrier too but it will just make you ill. Try not to think too far ahead, things will work out and sometimes things happen for a reason, but you will be fine. Its human instinct to survive :D
Shirl sadly lost her mum and hasn't been back since she popped in to let us know. :( hope she is ok, not the same here without her xx
Hope to see fillymum back soon too.

Such a shame about kingsled, horrible when people get to the stage they just won't be back. Still miss madam la minx :(

I miss Kingleds and MLM too :(
I hope Shirleen is coming back once she has had some time away. Such an awesome sense of humour xx
DYJHIW ...... you start to feel bloated and feel it may have an impact on your weigh in tomorrow after you have been super good :/
Just to add, I'm also trialling 5:2 and lost 4lbs first week after I'd ground to a halt with SW for a good while, either STS or yo-yoing with the same few pounds. A lot easier than I thought actually and I manage to still get 3 meals from 500 cals on those 2 days. Everyone works differently though :) xx

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Are you combining it with sw or doing 5:2.....just out of interest x
Are you combining it with sw or doing 5:2.....just out of interest x

Technically, most people would say 5:2 but I combine a lot of SW elements on my "normal" days. Because I have done SW for over a year, my brain has converted to the SW way of thinking..all of my meals are the same stuff I had when following SW properly but I have the freedom to vary it if i want. For example instead of nimble bread, I had seed sensation because thats what I wanted. I had sticky toffee pudding another day..I wanted it, and I could have it! Feel free to have a nose in my diary, I post both my fast and feast days.

I'm still on the SW boards as I still love reading everything on here plus the 5:2 section is a tad on the bare side lol! x
Dyjhiw moneys tight sometimes, makes me feel really depressed and makes me think of the future when i want to have children how the hell im going to be able to afford them :S then i look at everyone else and they seem to be copeing fine and i dont know how

My Nan always used to say 'if you wait until you can afford a child then you'll never have one!"
My Nan always used to say 'if you wait until you can afford a child then you'll never have one!"

I was just going to say this! It is so so true.

Pinknails, you do just manage. You adapt things, less nights out (you'll be too tired anyway ;)), fewer new clothes (they only get covered in sick anyway ;)), less luxuries (for them to get broken or covered in mushed biscuit;))

No honestly, you have to not over think it otherwise you'll scare yourself to death!

When the time is right for you, providing you're not in millions of £'s of debt and struggling to house and feed yourself, then you'll be just fine! X
Story of my life at the mo! Hope yours gets better :) xx

Thanks hope yours does too xx

Dont think it helped today with it being totm! Lol
I was just going to say this! It is so so true.

Pinknails, you do just manage. You adapt things, less nights out (you'll be too tired anyway ;)), fewer new clothes (they only get covered in sick anyway ;)), less luxuries (for them to get broken or covered in mushed biscuit;))

No honestly, you have to not over think it otherwise you'll scare yourself to death!

When the time is right for you, providing you're not in millions of £'s of debt and struggling to house and feed yourself, then you'll be just fine! X

This is all so true and my mum sais similar things, i just want a family one day and not wait till im too old and regret it :) x
We all have our strengths and weaknesses hun. Im a worrier too but it will just make you ill. Try not to think too far ahead, things will work out and sometimes things happen for a reason, but you will be fine. Its human instinct to survive :D

Years ago I made myself ill with worry, and when I finally came out at the other end I realised all the worrying hadn't made the slightest bit of difference, that's why I worry about what I can change & what I can't change so be it.

My Nan always used to say 'if you wait until you can afford a child then you'll never have one!"

Exactly what a friend said to me, so I took the plunge & everything worked out find, you'll be surprised what you can cut back on & what changes you just instinctively make.
My Nan always used to say 'if you wait until you can afford a child then you'll never have one!"

Totally agree - I wish I'd not left having kids so late, I'd be much less stressed now if we'd got on with it sooner x
You have to get out of your warm cosy bed and go to work! :/