DYJHIW ... Im so pi$$ed off with myself! I had 2 lovely losses last 2 weeks of 4.5lb and another 4lb. i was set to be 100% for my 3rd loss and break this awful gain cycle im in. I did ok first few days but then i was just a pig and had chippy, chinese, mini pizza, icecream and takeaway Sunday!! Why... i have no clue?! i feel crap afterwards from the fat, guilty from eating the rubbish yet i do it again?! where the hell my will power and focus is i dont know. Had a whopping 8lb gain according to scales this morn but will double check before dinner at my official home weighing time. I have realized im picking rubbish foods since im sat in all day bored out my mind (and i cant cook anything). This knee surgery is messing with my head again and feel im comfort/bordum eating which i dont want!!

Looking at my excel weight chart too that ive got and im back to the same weight i was from end of Nov'12. Feels like im undoing all my hardwork since before xmas :cry: & i thought id make target this year!! blaa. feel so rubbish!
Sorry for the rant..