Thanks everyone jogging down a steep slope, loose earth = flying gillmortified as people saw but astonished that the I phone that went bouncing across the ground was unscathed
Phew as long as your phone is ok lol xxz
Phew as long as your phone is ok lol xxz
.... When you bite into your apple and it looks like this......
<img src=""/>
Eurgh!! :-(
Dyhjiw your husband never remembers conversations you have and you have to keep reminding him about stuff that you have already discussed and you really want to swear as he has forgotten something you were relying on him for next week but you don't want to get your knickers in a twist about it.
I think its most men! I am relying on him for next week when I am at the residential to sort kids for school etc and thought would check(AGAIN!) that he has sorted his hours so can pick up etc and he says I told him I would be back and he can't do it on the will mate I've organised work and childcare round kids for 20 odd bloody years!We have this same thing!!
Then he says I've never even told him in the first place when I know I have he just hasn't listened!!!
Dyhjiw your husband never remembers conversations you have and you have to keep reminding him about stuff that you have already discussed and you really want to swear as he has forgotten something you were relying on him for next week but you don't want to get your knickers in a twist about it.
Dyhjiw your husband never remembers conversations you have and you have to keep reminding him about stuff that you have already discussed and you really want to swear as he has forgotten something you were relying on him for next week but you don't want to get your knickers in a twist about it.
In other news, I caught my OH using my straighteners to re iron the collar on his shirt the other morning. I was like what the hell are you doing? He said he does it all the time and if i ironed his collars down flat to start with he wouldn't have to! (How did I know it would be my fault and who on earth uses hair straighteners to do a bit of ironing!?) apparently getting the whole iron out is too much hard work. What a loon! X
Erm..........I may have been known to do this once or twice.
Only when something has got scrunched up in the wardrobe and I'm in too much of a rush. Has to do it to my daughters skirt on her summer dress the other morning xx
Lmao that is hilarious. I have never thought / heard about it before. Lets just call it a creative means to an end? X
dyjhiw someone is lying to your face and you know they are, and they think you have no idea! grrrrr.