Don't you just hate it when....

Your hear ome really upsetting news, distant friends of ours lost their teenage spn to meningitis the day before they buried her mum, it just makes all problems blend into insignificant, things like this make me realise how lucky i am & what a fabulous life i have, sad, sad news.

Omg thats awful news poor family x
Ive got lots tidying, hoovering. Got to get dressed, get son dressed, upload lots of clothes to sell-thats a good one though from shrinking ;)

more ironing & bedding to sort... ugh seems like i didnt do anything yesterday!!

Work gets in fish and chips in every Friday without fail. Ugh I now hate the smell of fish and chips. So this may be a good thing. :p
When you have to watch your chicken get mauled by a fox and all you can do is try to get the others to safety :'(
when you want to go back to Ireland and see your friend & her family again cause you miss them already
when this is what happens to your friends car on holiday. Her husband, her son & his friend and my husband were in the car, thankfully going slow cause there had been a high speed chase causing tail backs.Leinster-Page-1373657073.jpgLeinster-Page-1373657089.jpg1011999_10151469881935824_10149531_n.jpg
DYJHIW You hate it when you order a contract phone clearly select you did NOT want insurance and they add it on anyway. So £7 comes out direct debit this month. Canceled dd but looked online and this company is well known for doing this. So lucky I caught them the 1st payment some people have paid them hundreds before realising. :mad: