Dyjhiw whatever time daughter has to get up and ready for work she thinks she has priority of the bathroom slot
Dyjhiw you go for a lie down cos you are feeling crap and wanting to eat crap and then you spot the bags of stuff you've hidden from hubby and kids in your room
you havent even started packing and you go on holidays tomorrow eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk
Dyjhiw you go for a lie down cos you are feeling crap and wanting to eat crap and then you spot the bags of stuff you've hidden from hubby and kids in your room
Good luck with getting that new job Stacey!
Dyjhiw its a lovely sunny evening and you feel crap and bored.
awww streak naked through your garden shouting I'm free lol
you order a takeaway for 7.40 & it arrives at 6.40 wtf, delivery man took it back and told me he'd bring me another one at the right time lol
Is that what you do to stop boredom lol