Gold Member
DYJHIW you're missing your mam and dad lots. Oh well, only another 15 days until they're home...
Feel sad for you non sleepers :-( this is the third time my alarms gone off and I can barely keep my eyes open.
:-( Stevie. Hope the time passes quickly for you. I'd miss my parents too if I didn't live nearby x
Thank you. I live at home so I'm used to seeing them every day. They're away on a Caribbean cruise from 3rd-27th November and whilst I'm happy for them and hope they're enjoying themselves, I am missing them lots. Not helped by the fact that my brother has been working nightshift last week and then 2-10pm this week meaning I haven't seen a lot of him either. Feeling a bit lonely - lol, how sad does that sound!? x
Dyjhiw someone doesn't like you but won't admit that and expects you to change.
Who? Let me at em ... How could anyone not like my bright bubbly Emsie? X
Dyjhiw you have a cooking fail!
... You feel invisible
Oops what were they meant to be xx
Horrid feeling x
Hugs xx
Oh go on Emsie.... Tell us xx
Lol oh ok then! I bought what I thought was polish cake mix but it turned out it was cream lol ....doesn't cook very well!
... You feel invisible
Dyjhiw you have a cooking fail!
Lol oh ok then! I bought what I thought was polish cake mix but it turned out it was cream lol ....doesn't cook very well!