They turned our WiFi off a couple of days ago without any notice. By their own admission, it was their mistake - it shouldn't have been turned off. Yet they seem to be doing everything in their power to
not resolve it.
They won't reactivate it without speaking to my dad, as it's his name on the contract. Even though I can tell them the answers to all of the security questions they will ask. We have told them numerous times that my dad is out of the country until the 27th but their reply was - well if you get him to ring us then we'll get it sorted out. Errr, hello!! NO. Why should he have to ring you, when it was YOU who fudged things up. He is on his holidays, he shouldn't have to waste his holiday time ringing them to fix a mistake that THEY made.
We have no access to internet in the house now so no internet on mobiles (without having to pay extra charges), no internet access on the laptop, no TV (our SkyBox thingy is run through the wifi) and also, a medical box thing that monitors my dads heart (he has a defibrilator fitted in his chest) is out of action as that is also run through the wifi.
I have told them that I have already had to buy two lots of extra data at £8 each, because without the wifi in the house I have run out of my regular allowance. And I won't be paying for any of the extra charges when the bill comes in - they can sing for it. I also said how convenient it was that they managed to turn it off without speaking to anyone, but now that we want it back on it's "sorry, no can do".
Their reply? "well if you can get your dad to call us...."