Don't you just love it when...

3 weeks and 3 days until hubby surprise birthday holiday to Finnish Lapland! He still has no idea... Need to start packing the cases at my parents house shortly :)

Aww that's so exciting Jezzi! I'm taking my OH on a surprise trip to Rome on 25 Jan and I'm not telling him til his birthday on 24th. Have been sneakily emailing his boss to get him the time off work etc. I love a bit of secret squirrel planning! :D x

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How fantastic! I saw a trip to Iceland online when I was looking at city breaks and was very tempted by northern lights - you'll have to let me know how it was :) x

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Don't worry I'm sure I'll be raving about it on here! Where we are going is very remote so I've booked lots of trips to amuse us :) Husky sledding, reindeer farm, ice fishing, snow shoeing! Lots of exercise.

How exciting, you've done really well to keep it a secret so far. Does he know you're going away?

It's 12 weeks to our booked holiday, it's my birthday on 25, we're going away but it all depends on football where we go, not that I'm into football but OH is.
Love the sound of Lapland! Deffo a place I would like to go :D

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DYJLIW your boss asks you to accompany her on a potential holiday in march as she doesn't want to go on her own due to health problems! She asked me to think about it-took all of 2 secs!!! All expenses paid trip to Egypt-don't mind if i do! Certainly helped brighten up my day as I'm off sick from main job due to being up all night with sickness :(
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DYJLIW you get a date to finally move in with OH and it's MUCH sooner than you expected...should be in by the end of the month!!! X

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Wow!!! Well Done MinkyDinky! I just can't wait to be in your position - you have done amazingly well!
dyjliw Jacob had nursery yesterday an one of the nursery helpers said how much of a pleasure it was having him that day & how funny/good hes been. They loved his chatting too! :) as before xmas he wast saying words, just baby babble lol.