Don't you just love it when...

DYJLIW...... You receive another two free cinema tickets from work :)
Looking forward to date night with the Hubby now xxxx

Have fun, free tickets are always good :) we got some over Christmas and saw the hobbit

DYJLIW your amazing boyfriend agree's to pick little one up so you don't have to go out in the cold again
Have fun, free tickets are always good :) we got some over Christmas and saw the hobbit

DYJLIW your amazing boyfriend agree's to pick little one up so you don't have to go out in the cold again

Awww that's cute.
Hubby came home from his night shift this mroning and de-snowed my car for me too and turned it around so it was easy for me to get off the street :) Hes sooo cute xxx
You are home from work 2 hours early and are soaking in a lovely radox bath rather than working in your classroom! X

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.....when you buy new pillows and can't wait to go to bed to try them.....sad or what??!!!! Lol

.....when you find a cartoon picture that looks just like your puppy :)
Dyjliw you have late night toastie fever! Banana tonight, though it wasn't as yummy as expected!