Don't you just love it when...

You have fed the brood, done washing, done dishes & tidied & its only 8.30am so the rest of the day is your own
Your 13 year old is up before you on a Sunday (he can let the dog out) which means I can stay in bed a little longer and catch up with all the lovely miniminners! :)
Its haircut day thank god, my fringe is about at my knees (its not really just saying)
DYJLIW - You get that giddy/butterfly feeling messaging your boyfriend (even after 4 years of being together... and when you'd thought it had passed)
DYJLIW... someone comments, for the first time since you started SW, that it looks like you've lost a lot of weight, even though you didn't think you were doing brilliantly! :D
DYJLIW - You get that giddy/butterfly feeling messaging your boyfriend (even after 4 years of being together... and when you'd thought it had passed)

Me too after 5 years, lucky girlies arnt we lol ;)
DYJLIW... You can fit in to a pair of jeans that you haven't worn since you were 17! (6 years ago...) :D Shame they are out of fashion but... they fit!
DYJLIW... You can fit in to a pair of jeans that you haven't worn since you were 17! (6 years ago...) :D Shame they are out of fashion but... they fit!
wear them again, you might bring the trend back :)

you are not reaching for the biscuit tin instead you are having melon & yogurt as a snack